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Author Interview,  Giveaway,  Hope-filled Fiction

Author Interview with Terri Reed & a Giveaway

I had two great passions as a child. Dancing and books. I was always dancing. I would stand on the hearth in my grandparents’ house while they filmed me dancing. My kids got a kick out of those old videos. As I grew older, I channeled my need to dance into gymnastics in middle school and high school. I wanted to study dance after high school but alas there was no money for University. 

My other great passion of books translated into me being a storyteller. I loved to make up grand tales featuring my dolls and stuffed animals. My mom transcribed a couple of those early stories and I still have them tucked away in a box.

My hobby is doing dog agility. I have an 8-year-old Australian Shepherd and we’ve been training since she was eight months old. I’ve used many of the dog training techniques I’ve learned over the years in my books, especially the K-9 dog books.

After high school, I moved to the city where I worked in a department store and started taking community college classes. The professor in my creative writing course was very encouraging and told me I should pursue writing. Several years later, I finally decided I wanted to embrace storytelling as a career. For 10 years I learned and studied the craft of writing before I sold my first story. And I haven’t stopped writing since.

On average it takes about three months to complete a book. It all depends on what else I have going on in my life. I build time into my deadlines for holidays, vacations, and conferences.

Shielding the Innocent Target is about a widowed mom who witnesses her boss’s murder. She must flee with her young son and trust their lives to a deputy US marshal who is familiar with the hitman on their trail.

I have a critique partner I’ve been with for nearly 30 years. We met at a local writers’ club and joined a critique group with seven other writers. We were all unpublished and learning together. The others have moved on over the years leaving the two of us to continue to collaborate. She reads my first drafts and I read hers. We’ve become more than critique partners. I’d say she is one of my closest friends. 

As for pros to being in a critique group, it’s helpful to have someone read your story before you publish or turn your story in to an editor. Sometimes as a writer, we have a vision in our head that we don’t get clearly onto the page. That’s what a critique partner helps you with. As for the cons, sometimes personalities don’t mesh well, and people accelerate in their craft at different rates which can cause some friction.

I’ve had several readers who have been a huge blessing with their words of encouragement and support, either via snail mail or email. I’ve received several gifts over the years as well. Mostly handmade items that I treasure. It’s so gratifying to know my books have touched others’ lives.

Each year Love Inspired Suspense does a continuity series. In November 2024, I have book 8 of the Mountain Country K-9 Unit coming out. Search and Detect is about a single mom and her child who are in jeopardy and the special agent of the FBI who is determined to keep them safe, along with his bomb-sniffing dog.

Coming February 2025 I have a book titled, Trained to Protect, which is set on South Padre Island, Texas. It has a working dog named Raz, sea turtles, and lots of suspense as a canine officer works to protect his childhood crush from a vicious cartel.

In June 2025, the third book in the Dakota K-9 Unit continuity series will be released. This story is yet untitled and is about an estranged married couple who must put aside their hurts and disappointments when the heroine witnesses a murder and becomes the killer’s target. Our hero, a canine officer, and his dog, specializing in search and rescue, will do anything to protect his wife and their unborn child.

Then in the fall of 2025, my second book set on South Padre Island will be released. This book is just an idea at the moment, but it will showcase Christmas Texas Island style.

Comment on Terri Reed’s author interview by June 18 for a chance to win a $10 B&N gift card and one of her backlisted books. #giveaway #romanticsuspense


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A child under his protection…
and a hit man in pursuit.

After witnessing her boss’s murder, Paige Walsh must trust Deputy US Marshal Lucas Cavendish to bring her to safety. But when a notorious assassin targets her and her son, Lucas’s short-term assignment turns into a dangerous cross-country mission. For Paige to identify her boss’s killer, Lucas must get the family into witness protection. Except the hit man knows their every move…and trusting the wrong person could get them killed.

From Love Inspired Suspense: Courage. Danger. Faith.

Terri Reed’s romance and romantic suspense novels have appeared on Publisher’s Weekly top five, Nielsen’s Bookscan’s top fifty, have been Amazon Bestsellers, and featured in USA Today. Her books have been finalists in the Romance Writers of America RITA contest, the National Readers’ Choice Award, and the Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award, as well as finaled three times in the American Christian Fiction Writers The Carol Award contest. Contact Terri @ P.O. Box 19555 Portland, OR 97224.

Connect with Terri: Website / Instagram / Facebook / Goodreads / Newsletter / BookBub / Amazon

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


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