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Author Spotlight,  Giveaway,  Hope-filled Fiction

Barbara M. Britton: Spotlight on Escape to Whispering Creek & a Giveaway

Where is God when your life is falling apart?

That question kept scrolling through my mind as I wrote “Escape to Whispering Creek.” Christians should know that God is right beside us during trials, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like God is with us. My main character, Emma, has her life turned upside down one morning, and she has to remain strong in her faith while life gets stressful.

How does Emma stay strong in her faith when she flees her hometown? Let’s learn from the fictional Emma. 

Reach out to Christian friends and family.

Emma’s parents are not believers in the One True God, so Emma contacts her best friend who led her to Jesus. Christian friends can give us wise counsel in times of trouble.

Other Christians can offer prayer support while we go through tough times. I was thankful for praying friends when I battled cancer in 2015. There is power in the prayers of believers.

Christian friends and church members can offer practical support. Emma needs a place to stay and a few home-cooked meals. Samantha offers Emma refuge in Tennessee. Friends can even encourage each other through text messages and conversation.

Memorize Scripture.

Emma’s favorite verse is Psalm 18:2a.

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;

This verse is written on a stone under a catus plant that was an old Sunday School project of Emma’s. The Bible is full of verses that can lift our spirit and remind us that God loves us and is fighting for us.

Samantha’s favorite verses in “Christmas at Whispering Creek” were Philippians 4:4-7. I recited these verses during my cancer treatments.

Take care of your Health.

We need to eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, exercise, and sleep well during stressful times.

I enjoy walking in God’s beauty and praying as I go. To this day, my oncologists encourage aerobic exercise. Exercise helps me sleep well at night, too.

During Emma’s book crisis, she works at Donoven and Sons Electric. When she has trouble sleeping, she talks to God or phones a friend (Usually, Sam). 

Writing Christian Fiction is a blessing. Through my stories, I hope to encourage readers to strengthen their relationship with God. I hope readers will be reminded of amazing Bible verses and Sunday School lessons (Sam and Emma went to Sunday School together).

Where is God when life is stressful or painful? He is the rock beneath your feet, your fortress, and your deliverer.

What is an encouraging Bible verse that you have committed to memory?

Comment on @BarbaraMBritton’s spotlight post by October 1 for a chance to win an ebook of her new release #EscapetoWhisperingCreek. (US winner only) #giveaway #ContemporaryRomance

Escape to Whispering Creek book cover

Click the book cover for purchase link

Emma Uranova enjoys her office job until her boss disappears with the investors’ money. To avoid the media storm and false accusations, Emma flees to Whispering Creek, Tennessee to live on her best friend’ s secluded property. When a temporary position opens up in Nashville, Emma leaves small-town anonymity to pad her depleted bank account. With a handsome new boss and a steady income, Emma believes life is looking up… until she discovers she has transported the scandal in her backpack. Where is God when her life is falling apart?

Wade Donoven is recuperating from a crash that sidelined him from the family electrical business. Worse yet, his prodigal younger brother is getting the glory for Wade’ s accomplishments. Desperation, and physical setbacks, have him agreeing to let Emma help him manage the business office. But when trouble follows her to his doorstep, Wade must make some difficult choices. Sending Emma back to Whispering Creek may unknowingly place the woman he’s come to love in danger.

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Erin Stevenson Quint

    I’ve had the privilege of pre-reading this fine book, so please don’t enter me in the drawing 🙂

    The final thought in Hebrews 13:5 was my mantra during some of the darkest days of my life. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I also seek to focus on God’s promises–what I know to be true–rather than fleeting feelings. The devil uses those to distract us from God’s sovereignty.

    Congratulations to Barb for another wonderful story!

    • Barbara M. Britton

      Hi Erin! It’s so good to see you here. I appreciate your encouragement about my story and all the support you have given me over the years.

      Like you, Scripture was a comfort during my most difficult times. Praise the Lord for His Word.

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks so much for your comment, Erin. You and Barb are on point with your encouragement to hold on to God’s promises rather than our feelings. We can never go wrong when we do that!

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