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Giveaway,  Hope-filled Fiction

Deena’s May Reads & a Giveaway

Bitter and Sweet book cover

Genre: Contemporary Southern Fiction (Releases June 11)

Format: Kindle (Advance Reader Copy)

Stars: Four

If you enjoy dual timeline fiction that revolves around family drama and strained relationships but highlights healing from emotional pain, you’ll like this one. The author does a great job leading the reader through each characters’ struggles and bringing a satisfying conclusion. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

*I shared this in my “April Reads” post but I’m sharing again here because I didn’t finish reading it until mid-May.

Genre: Contemporary Adventure

Format: Audiobook

Stars: Five

Really enjoyed this third book in the series. The author ties up everything well with a satisfying ending. I love the spiritual elements included, and the tension and action is high throughout. No time to get bored! Highly recommend.

The Price of Valor book cover
The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley book cover

Genre: Contemporary Rom-Com

Format: Audiobook

Stars: Five (Made my favorites list)

I’m not usually a big rom-com reader, but when an author friend raved about this book, I decided to give it a try. I expected to laugh, which I did. I expected there to be a romantic relationship, which there was. I did NOT expect the emotional depth I found in this story or to love it, but I absolutely did!

I listened on audio, and the narrator was fantastic! She certainly ramped up my enjoyment of this story to a higher level. 

My one complaint is that the story doesn’t have a spiritual arc, like at all. Isadora grew so much in the story, emotionally and mentally, and was a different person at the end, but God received no credit for any of that. It was purely because of other people and her making different choices.

I’m all for books that entertain, which this one definitely does, but as a Christian and avid reader of Christian fiction, I’m always looking for a spiritual arc, even if it’s small. I’m honestly not sure if a sinful human being can find true happiness and contentment on this earth apart from God. We may think we’re happy, but once we know Christ, He takes that concept to a whole new level and we realize we didn’t know the true meaning of a happy life before He came in and changed us.

All that said, I still really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it for readers who want a feel-good story about relationships and learning to let go of grudges and bitterness, embrace life, and learn to connect with others on a deeper level.

Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Format: Audiobook

Stars: Five (Made my favorites list)

Oh, how I loved this book. The author addressed deep and painful issues like Alzheimers, the difficult results of a stroke, a developmentally challenged adult child, marital strife, family secrets, and more with such tenderness and compassion. 

This is an emotional read, tugging at the heart strings and inducing tears along the way, but so moving and impactful. Just the kind of story I love.

I can see why the narrator, Johanna Parker, is an Audie Award winner! She did a phenomenal job conveying each characters’ individual voice, tone, and inflection, really bringing this story to life.

If you enjoy clean, inspirational reads with deep themes, check it out!

A Month of Summer book cover
Loyally Luke book cover

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Format: Audiobook

Stars: Five

Loyally, Luke was the perfect wrap up to this royal series. The audiobook narration is fantastic and certainly added to the pure pleasure of this amazing book.

Luke is the perfect hero, and this story provides such a fun journey through the pages toward his happily ever after. Heart-warming, funny, sentimental, and so much more. The sibling love between Luke, Penelope, and Izzy is a joy.

Well done, Pepper Basham!

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Format: Audiobook

Stars: Four

First let me say that the cute light-hearted cover of this book misrepresents the content. This story covers some heavy topics and should come with trigger warnings. The author presents real, authentic people who sin. There isn’t a deep spiritual thread in this book, and God doesn’t get the credit for the characters’ growth and change.

That said, since I’m a fan of books that tackle hard, raw, and real issues in life, I still really enjoyed this story. The narrators were wonderful, and having a male and female voice for the hero and heroine really added to the enjoyment.

The banter between the two in the first part of the book was engaging, and the pace of the romantic arc seemed realistic. I loved the mystery throughout the story, and came to really care about these characters, although Jeremiah was much more likable than Remy.

If you enjoy opposites-attract romance with a thread of mystery and a touch of inspiration, this is a book for you.

Memory Lane book cover

Comment on Deena’s May Reads post by June 4 for a chance to win your choice of the #ChristianFiction books listed. #giveaway


As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Cherie J

    The Price of Valor sounds exciting. I have read Susan May Warren in the past and have enjoyed her writing. Loyally Luke sounds good too. Will have to add these to my wish list.

  • Susann Greenwood

    Hey Deena,
    “A Month of Summer” and “Bitter and Sweet” are the two I find most appealing. Having just dealt with Alzheimer’s and Jack’s Mom (as well as the ladies I worked with in GA), I think I’d chose that one.
    I will however say that I too prefer to read Christian authors who include spiritual issues and give God the glory (credit?). In my younger years I liked to read “darker” books, but no longer. My life revolves around Christ and I like that being included in the stories I read! It makes it more real for me!
    ❤️ Susann
    (And I just realized I can comment here… I emailed you already … 😂)

    • Deena Adams

      Hi, Susann. I used to read darker books too, and they no longer appeal to me. I only want to read Christian books with an inspiring message. Thanks for reading and commenting on my post!

  • Phyllis Rollan

    I loved Loyally Luke along with the rest of the series. The others I have not read. I requested Bitter & Sweet on NetGalley this weekend since she is a NTM author. The audiobook sounds good, too. I also find that the depth in spiritual thread is different among CF authors. I read a vast number of authors and am thankful for “clean” reads but also love for God to be acknowledged in the character’s walk of life. For that reason, I would probably choose Lisa Wingate’s book.

    • Deena Adams

      I agree, Phyllis. I know Christian authors all have their own focus for each book they write. Some call for more blatant spiritual content while others lean more toward clean reads with a dash of inspiration. There’s a place for all of them! I love that we have a variety and there’s something for everyone.

  • Tabitha Bowdell

    I am currently reading memory lane and enjoy it!! Many of the others are non my tbr!! I’m excited to keep up with you blogs!

  • Elizabeth Litton

    I really want to read Loyally, Luke! The first two book in the series were amazing!

  • Lexi Henegar

    Thank you for this opportunity! I’ve read Loyally Luke, The Secret Life of Isadora Bentley, and Memory Lane. I think Loyally Luke was my favorite in the series. I enjoyed Memory Lane but I think I liked book 2 (Rocky Road) even better.
    I would love to win A Month of Summer. Although The Price of Valor sounds really good too. I really enjoy her books!

    • Deena Adams

      Hi, Lexi. I think Loyally, Luke was my favorite in Pepper’s series too! So good! I’m looking forward to the audio version of Rocky Road soon. Best of luck in the giveaway!

  • Teresa Warner

    A Month of Summer would be my choice in paperback! I haven’t read any of these, so many great choices!


    The Price of Valor Sounds like a great read in paperback ! Thank you for this amazing post Deena!

  • Paula Shreckhise

    I love the rom coms that Pepper Basham writes. Would love to win this in paperback.

  • Patty

    I’ve read Memory Lane and isadora Bently, both very good! I passed Isadora Bently on to my mother and she also loved it.

    I would love a copy of A Month of Summer.

  • Perrianne Askew

    I haven’t had the privledge of reading any of these yet. I woul choose Loyally, Luke sine I have read the rest of the series and felt like Luke was the most down to earth and relatable. I guess it shows that I’m not much of a “girly girl,” but I enjoy Pepper Basham’s quirky wit. I do appreciate the fact that you let us know about the spiritual thread. I like a good spiritual thread as long as it feels natural and not being beaten over the head wih it.

  • Jeanette Davis

    First off I want to say do not add my name in the drawing as i do not read audiobooks!

    But Lisa Wingate’s book is going on my TBR list on Goodreads as is Loyally Luke by Pepper Basham. The sound wonderful.

    Thanks for the reviews and I agree Christian Fiction wi/o God is just fiction…

    • Deena Adams

      Hi, Jeanette. The giveaway isn’t for audiobooks. The winner can choose either a paperback or ebook for the one they choose. If you haven’t read the first two books in Pepper Basham’s series I recommend you read those first, even though each could stand alone.

  • Dana McReynolds

    I read Becky and Courtney’s and agree with your reviews. I love the contemporary covers. I would love to read Lisa’s book.