How Can a Shoebox Offer Hope to a Hurting Child?
Each year during October and November, our church takes part in filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. This year, our small church of about 120 people, filled 63 boxes!

If you don’t know what Operation Christmas Child is, take a moment to watch the short video below.
I always take my three oldest grandchildren shopping and allow them to choose the sex and age of the child they shop for and fill the box with items they would like to receive. It warms my heart to witness their careful selections, and I pray this will be something they remember the rest of their lives. I pray God will use it to foster hearts of generosity and compassion in them.

This year, my two granddaughters, Kylie and Allison, both wrote letters to include in their boxes. Kylie wouldn’t allow anyone to read what she wrote, stating it was just for the child who would receive her box, but I read Allison’s letter and was so proud of her. She encouraged the little girl who will receive her box to always trust in God, even when things are hard and she doesn’t think God cares. That would warm any grandma’s heart, right?

Samaritan’s Purse delivers the filled shoeboxes all around the world to take a smile and God’s Word to children who may otherwise never hear the gospel. For many, these boxes are the only Christmas gift they receive.
There’s still time if you’d like to pack a box. The final day for collections is November 25. You can find out all needed info on what to pack, along with drop-off locations near you, at this link.
Still aren’t convinced to participate? Check out the following video.
God can use this simple act in powerful ways to etch hope on broken hearts.
Join the Conversation. Did you pack a shoebox this year for Operation Christmas Child? Have you in the past? What other organizations or opportunities have you participated in to spread the love of Christ during the holiday season?