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Author Interview,  Giveaway,  Hope-filled Fiction

Robin W. Pearson: Real Issues, Hope, Family, a Giveaway & More

Comment on @deenamadams’ interview with @robinwpearson by 1/30 for a chance to win a paperback of #DysfunctionJunction. (US only) #giveaway #contemporaryfiction


Click the book cover for purchase link

When three women receive an unexpected phone call that leaves them reeling, they have no other choice but to reckon with a lifetime of memories they’ve long tried to bury. Only in facing the past will they find their path forward.

Frances Mae Livingston’s firm grip of her family’s destructive history makes her hold her husband and four children even closer. But she’s losing bits of herself while proving to everybody and her mama that she’s enough. There’s no way she’ll repeat her mama’s mistakes, even if it kills her.

Annabelle McMillan didn’t have trouble kicking the Eastern North Carolina dust off her feet. The tough part was replanting herself in familiar soil. Now she’s blending her old life with her new husband, stepson, and unborn child. And battling old memories of abandonment and new fears of rejection.

Dr. Charlotte Winters has built a career around helping others sort through their emotional baggage. She’s also spent a lifetime refusing to unpack her own. So what if Charlotte doesn’t recall all that her mama did to her and what her daddy didn’t do for her? Her only mission is to help others help themselves…until the women from her past and the man in her future undo her well-sewn life.

At the junction of healed and hurting, broken and whole, and past and present, three women wrestle with their inability to forgive and forget in this riveting Southern family drama about sisterhood from award-winning author Robin W. Pearson.

Robin W. Pearson’s writing sprouts from her Southern upbringing, her belief in Jesus Christ, and her love of her husband, seven children, and their dog, Oscar. Her novels are “rooted in the soul of the story” and include her Christy Award–winning debut, A Long Time Comin’, as well as ’Til I Want No MoreWalking in Tall Weeds, and her latest, Dysfunction Junction. 

Robin has corrected grammar up and down the East Coast in her career as an author, editor, and in her calling as a homeschooling mama of many. She loves to share about her faith and her family through her fiction, at writers conferences such as Breathe and Vision Christian Writers, and with her friends and followers @robinwpearson.

Connect with Robin: Website / Amazon / BookBub / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

Robin Pearson head shot

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Kristen Joy Wilks

    OK, I just preordered and I hardly ever preorder! Love your books, Robin!!! And I have to laugh because I am from Washington (state) and definitely don’t have a southern accent but am so very much a hick, ha! We have 2 miles of road my husband has to plow in the winter just so that we can get to the country road that is plowed that will take us to the regular road. However, this country girl who normally reads romcoms (real life is hard enough) is totally charmed by your more literary tales. Keep them coming!

  • Diana Flowers

    I hope this comment doesn’t show up 5 times! I couldn’t get it to post on my tablet so hopped on my PC which is a time consuming pain! Sigh…
    Congrats on your new release, Robin! I enjoyed getting better acquainted in your interview with Deena. You’re a hoot…as we say in the deep South! (chuckle) I could use a good neurosurgeon about now with my neck surgery coming up in Feb. LOL! I would love to read Dysfunction Junction! Love the cover art!

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks for going to the extra effort to comment, Diana. I saw one other comment from you and deleted it since you came back after that with this one. Also, I sometimes have to approve a comment before it will post. I hope you get to read Robin’s book!

      • Diana Flowers

        Thanks, Deena. For some reason I have problems with WordPress on my tablet & have to switch to my PC.

    • Robin W. Pearson

      Bless your heart, as we say in the South! I’m technologically challenged, so I admire your perseverance. (Deena could tell you how I struggled to even scroll down to find this post.) May God truly bless you with complete healing after your surgery. Thanks for watching!

      • Diana Flowers

        Yes, ma’am! We get a lot of bless your hearts down here for sure. lol Thank you for the well wishes!

  • Kit

    Deena, I especially love hearing about the author’s own inner journey during the writing process, so thank you for asking that question!
    Robin’s love for the Lord and her emotional insight come through in her stories. I’ve already preorder Dysfunction Junction, so if I happen to win a copy I’d be excited to share it and introduce someone new to Robin’s writing!

  • Patty

    I have Robin’s first book on my TBR shelf. It’s one of those situations of too many books too little time. I enjoy southern fiction and will hopefully read it one day soon!

  • Vickie

    Really enjoyed this conversation as I feel like I got to know some of what makes you tick Robin, including your sense of humor.

    Signed up for newsletter and Facebook.

    Praying for your sister’s recovery.

    Thanks Deena for a great interview and introducing me to a new author.

  • Faith D. Cox

    I enjoyed the interview! I haven’t read any of Robyn W. Pearson’s books, but I look forward to reading her works. I was also a homeschool mama to many for quite a few years, and I still tutor public, private, and homeschool children after school helping them with grammar, writing, reading, and math.

    • Deena Adams

      God bless you for helping so many children with their education, Faith. That’s awesome! I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview. I hope you get a chance to read Robin’s books!

    • Danielle Hull

      Robin and I have a lot in common! I also homeschool my 7 kids! We also had our kids take (at least one year of) piano. I read Walking in Tall Weeds last year, and I have the rest of her books on my TBR!

      • Deena Adams

        I admire all parents who homeschool their children, Danielle, and the fact you and Robin have homeschooled, and are currently homeschooling, your 7 children is amazing! I don’t know how either of you still write books. 🙂

        I wish I had paid better attention when I was in piano lessons as a kid. I didn’t apply myself as I should have, and it definitley shows in my lack of skill now.

        Thanks for commenting!

      • Robin W. Pearson

        Woohoo! You, my character Paulette, and I have a lot in common–a love for both homeschooling and the piano. We should trade notes. So far, we’ve graduated three and the fourth graduates in June. It’s hard to believe how fast it’s going. Thank you so much for reading Walking in Tall Weeds, a novel close to my heart.

    • Robin W. Pearson

      Thank you for sharing and for blessing so many in the homeschool community. I’ve included educators in each of my novels–specificially home educators in the last three. I hope you’ll get the chance to read them.

  • Jeanette Davis

    This book sounds wonderful…don’t we all have some unpacking to do???? And yes we can find hope in Christ. When my kids ask me about suffering, I try to explain how Jesus enters in the suffering with us and helps us through, not out but through.

    Robin you have such a good sense of humor, I am sure your humor will shine through in your book.

    I am sorry for all you are going through with your family’s health issues, will lift up your dad and your sister to Our Father in Heaven.

    • Robin W. Pearson

      Yes, we’re all carrying quite a bit, aren’t we? I believe humor, along with our faith, helps lighten the load. Thank you so much for praying for our family. My sister is recovering from heart transplant surgery now, so we have much to be grateful for!

  • Kera bell

    I like them I love boardgames I never have anyone to play board games with me because I live by myself and I would really like to have someone to play board games with, but I’ve never played any of the hard stuff before I have heard of them.

  • Ashlyn McKayla Ohm

    I love stories about sisters, and I know this one will be great! I loved A Long Time Comin’.