What Can Be Shaken – Part Two
By Nina Hundley
May God use this story by my friend, Nina Hundley, to encourage you and bring you hope. Last week, we left off with Nina wrestling with her anger over a comment she’d read about someone losing their battle with cancer. With a strong desire to walk forward in hope, she woke her mother from sleep.
If you missed part one, read it here first.

I said it loudly, raw grief pouring out of my heart and onto my lips. “Mama I need to tell you something. This cancer is just a thing. It isn’t you. It isn’t your life; it isn’t even this big thing in your life even though we act like it is.
“Cancer is just affecting you and that’s all it can do, it’s this tiny part of your life. It does NOT win. All that you are as a person, all your joy, all your kindness is who you are and that is huge.
“You have the living God inside of you! You are not ‘Debbie the stomach cancer patient.’ You are ‘Debbie, made in the image of God, saved by His mighty hand to great things, who happens to have an affliction of cancer.’ That’s all it is.
“It does not win. Not ever.
“Even if the Lord doesn’t heal you and stomach cancer had a part to play in bringing you to eternity, you don’t lose. You don’t lose to the cancer.
“The cancer gets used by God for His purposes and His good and your ultimate good! No matter what, you get God and heaven and eternity and that is not losing a battle to some affliction.”
She had never seen me act like this before and there was probably some moment where it frightened her to see me this vulnerable about her dealing with cancer.
Up until then, we discussed stomach cancer every waking day from a medical perspective: “These are the counts today… this is the new treatment plan… CT scan scheduled for May,” etc.
I tried to stay as strong as I could for her when discussing it, but on that night every bit of my resolve was gone.
I felt overcome at how strong the Lord was pressing this on my heart. She didn’t say anything, just smiled at me.
But I watched her believe it over the weeks and months to come. She dealt with what she physically had to, but pressed into Jesus more and more.

Some days I can hardly believe she is gone. I ache from the void of her in my life. But I believe with every fiber in my being that she did not lose her battle to cancer.
She won a mighty life for Christ.
She won an eternity with her beloved Savior.
She won a legacy of perseverance to pass down.
Not for a second would I downplay the suffering and harshness of what dealing with cancer looks like. It was an agonizing desert full of loneliness, sorrow, and desperation.
Oh it tried to be big in our lives, tried to take us over. One of the hardest parts is to see past the most challenging moments of your life into something that is greater. So very, very hard.
Friends, do you need a declaration in your life?
This may be difficult to do on your own if you are suffering, so find someone in your life to speak into you.
Read over the promises of God and let them soak straight to your marrow. Fill up your heart with His truth and know that He is greater, He is mightier, and bigger than anything this world can throw at you.

Nina Hundley was born and raised in central NC. She is a wife to Caleb and a stay at home mama, making a million memories one day at a time. Nina loves writing about hope in dark places and crafting stories of priceless testimonies over at www.ninahundley.com. She prays her words inspire and encourage you.
Connect with Nina
Join the conversation. Have you lost a loved one? How did you find the strength to persevere and find hope?
Audra Sanlyn
What a beautiful reminder of the perspective we can hold with Jesus as our Savior. No matter how deep the sorrow, He always pulls us from the depths, because He is bigger and more powerful than any earthly sorrow or sickness. Thank you for sharing your story!
Deena Adams
Amen, Audra! Thanks for reading and joining the conversation.
Yes and amen Audra! What a powerful statement. Thanks for reading!