Author Spotlight with Kimberly Russell & a Giveaway
By Deena Adams By Kimberly Russell Please welcome Christian Fantasy author Kimberly Russell to the blog this week. Kimberly’s debut novel, Journey to ChiYah, released on July 1, 2021. Not a fantasy reader? You may be surprised as Kimberly shares…
Author Spotlight with Valerie Massey Goree & a Giveaway
By Deena Adams By Valerie Massey Goree Please welcome Valerie Massey Goree to the blog this week as she shares a bit about her newest release, Justice at Dawn. She’s graciously offered a paperback or digital copy to one person…
Author Interview with Ann Brodeur
By Deena Adams Author, Ann Brodeur responded to my call out on the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Facebook group for authors to share an interview on my blog. I was so excited when I learned her debut novel would…