Faith,  Heart,  Hope,  Soul,  Strength

Enter the New Year With Hope

Changes for 2020

If you’re like me, when a new year rolls around, you take time to reflect on the previous year and make some decisions on how you want to change in the coming year. For example, I’ve realized I need to grow in my patience while driving. Many times, I let slow drivers push my “impatient button” and cause irritation. Usually because I’ve tried to complete one too many actions before leaving the house which makes me run late. So, it’s not the other driver’s fault, but mine.

This is only one small example of a needed change. But there are other, more prominent changes to consider.


How do we spend our time on a daily or weekly basis? Are we giving God priority? Is our time in prayer and His Word spent out of desire to draw close to Him and know Him better? Or are we checking off a “to do” list on our spiritual duties chart?

What about relationships with the people God has placed our lives? We can get so task and goal oriented, we fail to connect deeply with others. This can be especially true for me as an introvert. Can you relate?

Or maybe you’re a people person and you’re deeply connected with lots of people and need help to organize your other obligations.

Whatever the need is for you in this new year, I pray you find the balance in life and prosper in every way God has planned for you.


Set some goals. What dreams has God placed inside you you’ve put on the back burner for years? Maybe even decades?

Life is too short to get to the end and miss God’s best plan.

I started running after my dream in the fall of 2018 … to write stories for God’s glory and impact lives for eternity.

So, I plan to write a lot in 2020. To reach my goals, I’ll need to complete the revision on my first novel and finish writing the second one I started on November 1. I hope to have both ready to pitch at a writer’s conference in May. I’ll enter some contests, connect with other writers, and read books on how to grow in the writing craft. I will move through 2020 with HOPE in God and His timing and perfect will for my writing pursuits.

Stories of Hope

Another aspect of my writing I’m looking forward to in the new year is featuring stories of hope on this blog. I’m super excited about several I’ve received so far and can’t wait for you to read them and gain encouragement, inspiration, and hope.

Do you have a story to share? Will you allow God to use the hardships and difficulties you’ve endured to share hope with those who may be amid similar struggles? If so, I’d love to connect with you and hear your story. 

Together, we can make a positive impact in people’s lives and infuse hope where there’s despair.

My focus word for the new year should come as no surprise.

My 2020 focus verse is Isaiah 40:31: “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Maybe you’d like to choose a focus word and/or verse too. Something to cling to as you strive to be all God desires for you in this new year.

Join the conversation. What one thing do you want to do differently in 2020? Has God put a dream in your heart you’d like to pursue this year? Would you be bold enough to share it in the comments? What is your 2020 focus word and/or verse?

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Audra Sanlyn

    Happy New Year!
    I know what you mean about impatience while driving. My pet peeve is drivers honking at someone who hasn’t pushed the gas pedal the very second the light turns green. Especially when I’m directly behind the supposed offender and they don’t know if it was me who beeped. I try to take a deep breath and push it aside.
    As far as goals, this year mine is to find an agent to represent my current manuscript. My two previous books were self-published, but God is leading me in a different direction for this novel. It holds a deeper message that is relevant to the time in which we live and I’m praying for God’s guidance in sharing it with others.

    • Deena Adams

      Hi Audra! I rarely beep my horn on the road. Just talk out loud to the drivers as if I can hurry them along. Haha.

      I wish you the best in finding an agent for your book. The process is certainly not easy and not for the faint of heart. I hope to find an agent this year, too. Your story is definitely an important one with a message people need to hear.

      Happy New Year!

    • Deena Adams

      Happy New Year, Dave! Now, every time I’m behind a slow driver, I’m going to picture you in front of me. You’re such a nice guy, the visual will immediately infuse me with patience!