Felicia Ferguson: Texas Ranch, Adoption, Fan Fiction, a Giveaway & More
I’m happy to share this Zoom interview with Women’s Fiction author Felicia Ferguson with you today. We had such fun chatting about her upcoming release, The Choices She Made. She’s graciously offered a copy as a giveaway (winners choice of paperback or ebook), so be sure to comment below by October 18 for a chance to win!
Join the conversation. Are you a fan of stories that revolve around real-life gritty subjects? What about a ranch setting? Do you like stories with a spiritual takeaway? Do you have any questions or comments for Felicia?
Be sure to comment below by October 18 for a chance to win a copy of Felicia’s book!

The Choices She Made by Felicia Ferguson
Click the book cover for preorder/purchase link
In 1997, seventeen-year-old Madeline Williams is torn between continuing her family ranching legacy and accepting her Army-bound boyfriend’s marriage proposal.
But when an assault by John David Billings, the son of a wealthy rancher, leaves her pregnant, Madeline sacrifices both options, choosing to leave town and raise the child alone.
It’s been several years, and when she returns to her hometown to meet with her father, rumors circulate about John David’s trial–for assaulting other women. Madeline struggles with the secret she’s kept from her daughter–and everyone but her father–all of these years.
If she testifies, John David could be put away for good. Doesn’t help that he’s hired a killer lawyer, and it would take a testimony like hers just to put him behind bars. But if she unveils her past, that could have some dangerous repercussions for her daughter.
She has trusted God throughout her entire life, but can she trust him to carry her through this trial?
Felicia Ferguson is an award-winning freelance writer who holds master’s degrees in healthcare administration and speech-language pathology. She has written since childhood and dreamed of authoring books that teach and inspire others. A features writer for the national luxury lifestyle magazine, VIE, she was also the assistant publisher and lead writer for three N2 Publishing magazine products. After growing up on a horse and cattle farm in Kentucky, Felicia now calls the Florida panhandle home, but both locations inspire her writing. She is the current president of the Destin chapter of Word Weavers International, a writers critique group.
Connect with Felicia: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter

Please share Felicia’s interview on social media to help spread the word about her new book!
If you missed last week’s Zoom interview with DiAnn Mills, find it here.
Deena Adams
Congratulations to Janet D., you’re the winner of Felicia’s book! Look for an email soon.
Teresa Moyer
Enjoyed the zoom interview. Tough subject but one that needs to be removed from the closet per say. I am pro-life but I also understand the emotional trauma a woman would go through with either decesion. Abortion creates a second trauma but carrying a rapist child to term is also a trauma even if the child will be put up for adoption. The church has not handeled this topic well. Sounds like a great story and will add it to my Amazon wish list. Unless I win of course 🙂
Felicia Ferguson
Thank you! Yes, there are so many avenues that can be taken and each one has its own impact on not only the woman, but also the rest of the family. I wanted readers to walk with Madeline as she worked through all the options available to her and experience her relying on her faith and trusting God to help her choose the one that was best for her. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts after you’ve read the book!
Deena Adams
You’re right, Teresa. No matter what, rape is a traumatic event, along with the decisions afterwards. Good luck in the giveaway!
Jeanette Davis
This book sounds wonderful! I love the beauty from ashes theme…so many scream that rape is a reason for abortion, when in reality it only causes more trumma for the women, ends the innocent life and does not allow God His healing … thank you for this interview Felicia and Deena!
Jeanette Davis
I actually want to correct my previous reply…God can still heal…inspite of our actions…and I never want to suggest that anyone who has had an abortion is not able to receive God’s healing love. Becuase He has unfailing love and He loves us without measure…forgive me if I have hurt anyone with my words!
Felicia Ferguson
Jeanette, yes, my hope is that readers gain empathy for women in this situation by living in Madeline’s head and heart for a little while, even asking themselves what they would do if they were in the same situation. In fact, my intention in writing The Choices She Made was to write a story that shows how a Christian acts and reacts to life happenings, looking to scripture and biblical principles as a plumbline for making life decisions and relying on their faith to walk through the trial. And yes, Deena, God’s grace, healing, and mercy are absolutely available to everyone–no matter what action they choose to take.
Deena Adams
Hi, Jeanette. No doubt whatever decision a woman who has been raped makes is a gut-wrenching one. I can’t even imagine what some women go through, not only physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. As you said, no matter the decisions in our past (or present and future!), God extends mercy, grace, and healing. I’m so thankful for that! Thanks for sharing your heart, and your sensitivity to those who may struggle with this topic.
Deena Adams
Thanks for the interview, Felicia! It was so much fun chatting with you.
Janet D
Enjoyed the interview and look forward to reading the book!
Deena Adams
So glad you enjoyed the interview, Janet. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Felicia Ferguson
Janet, I’m so happy you enjoyed the interview. I’d love to hear your comments on the book!
LeighAnne Clifton
I can’t wait to read this book. It’s so important for people to know that Christians face difficult decisions, and the choice isn’t easy to make sometimes. Best wishes on your new release!
Deena Adams
I couldn’t agree more, Leighanne! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Felicia Ferguson
Thank you, Leighanne! Yes, the Christian life is still filled with challenges. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book!
Dave Parks
I don’t like her options.
But I believe in choices.
Deena Adams
Thanks for chiming in, Dave!
Felicia Ferguson
Thanks for your thoughts, Dave. I hope you enjoy the book!