Heart,  Hope,  Hope-filled Fiction,  Humor

Finding Funny in the Hard Times

By Janine Rosche

I hope you enjoy the change of pace with this encouraging post by my author friend, Janine Rosche. We can all use some humor in our lives right now.

Of all my personality flaws, I’d say one rises above them all. I tend to laugh when I’m uncomfortable. This is especially infuriating to say, my husband, when we are having an argument. But it comes in quite helpful in times such as these when comfort seems so far off.

At least we’re in good company. And I’m not just talking about our co-quarantiners.

As an author, I spend a good deal of time with fictional folk—ones I’ve written and ones I’ve read. There’s one thing all the characters in good books have in common: they face uncomfortable and often life-altering circumstances. I love writing characters who, in the midst of hard times, can find glimpses of humor.

Some of my favorite authors have mastered this tactic in their stories.

Karen Witemeyer, bestselling author of the upcoming novel At Love’s Command, says, “Laughter is the best stress reliever.”

Even scripture agrees. ‘A cheerful heart is good medicine’ (Proverbs 17:22). Laughter brings joy, it bestows hope, and it pushes back the darkness. That is why I infuse my stories with humor, to bless my readers with a smile and perhaps a lightening of their load. That, and because I’m a goofball by nature.”

Co-author of the hilarious novel, Off-Script & Over-Caffeinated, Kaley Rhea explains, “I love humor in fiction for so many reasons. In addition to helping break down walls about deeper topics or tough issues and all that heavy stuff, frankly, humor can make a character more likeable. And the character a reader likes is the character a reader roots for, feels for, journeys with. Humor is its own kind of vulnerability. So you could say, making a character in a story funny can actually increase the stakes. (Also it’s really fun.)”

Funny lady Bethany Turner, author of the new romantic comedy Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish, says, “Here’s the thing: life is made up of unpredictable, chaotic moments full of humor and heart. And all of that chaos is multiplied times infinity when it comes to love and romance! By shining a spotlight on all of that chaos which, let’s face it, quite often carries with it heartbreak and disappointment, we’re sometimes able to deal with our own lives and loves with a little more confidence that we’re not alone, and that it’s all going to be okay. In the best of situations, relating to humor in a fictional life can even lead to making us a little more free to laugh at our own beautiful, unpredictable chaos.”

Humor, in and of itself, offers hope to both the giver and receiver. It’s a sign that joy still exists in the hard times, even if only the tiniest hint.

It’s no surprise that there’s been a surge in uplifting, happily-ever-after stories during this pandemic. You’ve heard that hope deferred makes the heart sick, so let’s chase after that hope and hold it close to our funny bone for a little while, shall we?

For a chance to win a free copy of Janine’s book, “This Wandering Heart,” AND a free copy of Karen Witemeyer’s book, “More Than Words Can Say,” comment on this post and share who your favorite funny lady is. Deadline to be entered in the giveaway is Tuesday, June 2. (US mailing address only)

CLICK TO TWEET: Finding Funny in the Hard Times by @JanineRosche on @deenamadams

Prone to wander, Janine Rosche finds as much comfort on the open road as she does at home. This longing to chase adventure, behold splendor, and experience redemption is woven into her Madison River Romance series. When she isn’t writing or traveling, she teaches family life education courses to college students, takes too many pictures of her sleeping dogs, and embarrasses her four children and husband with boy band serenades.

Click the book cover for purchase link

In the first entry in the Madison River Romance series, Keira Knudsen gets the traveling opportunity of a lifetime, but when she reunites with her first love, Robbie, she learns that even a wandering heart needs a home….

No one in the quaint town of West Yellowstone, Montana, knows that unassuming geography teacher Keira Knudsen moonlights as sensational travel blogger Kat Wanderfull. No one, that is, except for her first love, Robbie Matthews, who has just discovered the woman he is falling for online is the same one that broke his heart five years ago.

But Robbie has another problem: the mother of his daughter, Anabelle, has resurfaced after a three-year absence determined to rip Anabelle away from him. Robbie needs a steady paycheck for a chance at custody, and now, on the eve of a grand adventure that could give Keira a chance to flee her old, troubled life once and for all, she is in need of assistance.

With so much broken trust between them, Keira and Robbie must keep an arms-length away to make this partnership work. But the more time they spend together, exploring majestic places and sharing new experiences, the closer they get–until their secrets and dreams threaten to cost them everything.

Don’t miss Janine’s upcoming releases:

Wildflower Road (Berkley-Oct 6, 2020)

Glory Falls (Berkley-Jan 5, 2021)

Love’s Pure Light (Barbour-Sept 1, 2020) – By Deborah RaneyShannon McNear,  Susanne DietzeJanine Rosche

Connect with Janine:

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Deena Adams

    The winner of the two free books is Elizabeth Litton! Elizabeth, if you see this message, please get in touch with me or Janine Rosche. She reached out to you through Facebook messenger since we don’t have your email address. Congratulations!

  • Kathleen

    For all out funny, I’d have to go with Jen Turano. Her novella in Serving Up Love was just laugh out loud, put the book down because there were tears in my eyes funny. There are so many authors who weave in humor so perfectly, and each in their own way. I love how it makes us fall in love with the characters all the more. Thank you!

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks so much for your comments, Kathleen! I will definitely have to read Jen Turano after all the comments here about her books.

  • Charlotte

    I especially like Jeanne Robertson. Love her comedy. I haven’t read some of the authors mentioned. Looking forward to reading the books you are giving away. Thanks.

  • Vickie

    My all-time favorite funny lady is Lucille Ball! I still love to watch episodes of I Love Lucy. Great blog post. I tend to laugh when I’m uncomfortable, too. Sometimes that response is inappropriate which makes me feel bad. Thanks for the chance to win these books!

      • Vickie

        And my vote for my favorite laugh-out-loud funny author is Jen Turano. Glad she’s on your TBR list. I highly recommend all of her books but Flights of Fancy is my top favorite. Felt like I was in a crossover episode of I Love Lucy and The Beverly Hillbillies!

        • Traci

          I just had a conversation with myself that I could not remember the last time I had a good laugh. I am looking forward to reading so many of the authors noted here.
          I agree with Lynn about Patty Clermont! But I always did enjoy a good Carol Burnett show!
          Looks like I missed out on the drawing, but I’ll read them regardless!!!

          • Deena Adams

            Traci, thanks for joining the conversation! Sorry you missed out on the drawing. I plan to read some of these books as well. Maybe we can share. 🙂

  • Jennifer Hibdon

    All the authors mentioned are great at making the reader laugh! Angela Ruth Strong and Heather Love Fitzgerald are 2 more. Angela and Heather write YA along with adult fiction and romance, so you know they can keep readers engaged! Thanx for the giveaway!

  • Arletta

    I loved Off-Script and Over Caffeinated. Waiting anxiously for another book by that duo. I also find Bethany Turner’s books funny. I found some funny scenes in Sarah Monzon’s Book Nerds series. That’s a set I’ll reread.

    Recently I’ve been reading mostly WWII fiction so I don’t really think of them as humourous. Maybe it’s time I pick up some other genres.

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks for your comments, Arletta! I don’t normally read funny books but lean toward women’s fiction and suspense, but after reading everyone’s comments, I may have to branch out. 🙂

  • Katie Nelson

    Off-Script and Over-Caffeinated had by far been the most humourous book I have read this year. I love the witty banter between the characters. Kaley & Rhonda did an excellent job! I also love Karen Witemeyer books.

    • Deena Adams

      Hi Katie. Thanks for joining the conversation! I met Rhonda last year at a writers conference and she’s hilarious. I really enjoy her blog posts and I’m sure the book she and her daughter wrote is a hoot!

  • Melissa O

    Two fiction authors that have recently made me laugh are Bethany Turner in Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish and Melissa Ferguson in The Dating Charade. I also laughed out loud to Kerri Pomarolli’s non fiction book, Proverbs 32 woman. She is so funny!

  • Mimi

    Ok, 1) I do the same thing… laughing when I’m uncomfortable. 2) I’ve been keeping my eye out to find your book so you can scratch off Maryland on your map and 3) author who cracks me up is Jen Turano!

  • Paty Hinojosa

    I loved Janine’s post! I always like a lighthearted book that can make me smile and laugh!!
    Karen Witemeyer is definitely one of my favorites! I enjoy her books so much!
    After that, I would say Jen Turano! She’s hilarious!!
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Deena Adams

      Hi Paty. Thanks so much for your comments. You’re not the first to mention these two authors, so they’re definitely moving up on my list!

  • Elizabeth Litton

    Bethany Turner and Jen Turano are two of my favorite “funny ladies”!

    • Deena Adams

      I’ve only read Becky Wade of the authors you mentioned but I’m looking forward to reading the others! Thanks for giving your input. 🙂

  • Sylvia

    I love Karen Witemeyer’s books (her sense of humor is amazing!) and I just recently read Hadley Beckett’s Next Dish during a time when I really needed a laugh. It was a bright spot during a dark time. I just love finding authors who can make me laugh while making me think at the same time, and both of these talented ladies did just that.

  • Lynn Moore

    Patsy Clairmont is my “go to” Gal whenever my spirit needs a little lifting…. and even when it doesn’t!
    Laughter & joy go hand in hand. Even in difficult circumstances. Just think… most any time there is a family & a bunch of friends gathering together to comfort one another over the passing of a loved one…. stories are told……..laughter rings out……….
    and healing begins. As the Word says……..
    “Laughter does good like a medicine!”
    It helps to heal the broken-hearted! 🌺

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks for your wonderful comments, Lynn! I love Patsy Clairmont. She’s definitely a “spirit-lifter.” And you’re so right about the stories told at funerals. Laughter is healing and good for the soul.

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks so much for being my guest this week! I’ve never heard of Bonnie Hunt but now I’ll have to look her up. I’ll show my age and say my favorite funny lady is Carol Burnette