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Giveaway,  Hope-filled Fiction

Five Must-Read Christian Suspense Novels

By Deena Adams

Suspense is one of my favorite genres to read. Maybe this evolved from my childhood love of Nancy Drew Mysteries. I may even attempt to write suspense novels one of these days.

Below you’ll find five of my favorites, several of which are the first in a series. You’ll find an Amazon link by clicking the cover. But be warned, when you read the first, you’ll have to buy the second right away. 🙂

The Charles Martin book isn’t officially listed as suspense, but I think this one fits the category.

Be sure to comment on this post by May 11 for a chance to win a copy of the book of your choice from my shared list!

The Holly Series by C.C. Warren

Holly is living on borrowed time, but when mysterious footsteps follow her home and a cryptic note shows up on her door, she realizes her time is running out. The man she’s hiding from has found her. Or has he?

When people start dying and old, forgotten memories begin to surface, Holly finds herself wrapped up in a terrifying mystery with God, a pushy southern detective, and a killer with one thing on his mind: her.

Under a Turquoise Sky by Lisa Carter

When federal agent Aaron Yazzie is assigned to protect the only witness to a drug cartel execution, he hides Kailyn Eudailey in the safest place he knows . . . the vast, untamed wilderness of the Navajo Reservation.

Transporting Kailyn to New Mexico may not be as easy as Aaron would like. Kailyn is a high-maintenance Southern belle who is determined to assert her independence at every step. Although Aaron’s job is to protect her from the dangers that could get them both killed, Kailyn is getting to him. As an undercover agent, Aaron has grown adept at playing many roles. But will he be able to embrace his true identity and God’s plan for his life in order to keep Kailyn alive?

If I Run Series by Terri Blackstock

Casey Cox has blood on the bottom of her shoes, in her car, on her clothes. But there’s no point in trying to defend herself. She just has to run.

Casey didn’t kill her friend Brent. She discovered his body, but she’d never try to hurt him. He’s the only person she’s ever trusted enough to tell the truth about what happened to her father . . . and there’s no doubt in her mind that Brent was killed trying to help her prove it. She has to run before they get to her too.

Dylan Roberts was hired to find Casey and bring her back so that justice can be served. As a former Criminal Investigator for the Army, he can’t imagine that tracking down one girl will be that difficult.

But the more elusive Casey turns out to be, the more Dylan digs into her past to try to determine what she might be thinking. What he finds there doesn’t fit the profile of a killer at all. She’s unlike any other fugitive he’s ever seen.

The police refuse to discuss any other possibilities. There’s something more going on here. Something more to this fugitive who has captured his attention. Now he just has to figure out what it is . . . and Casey just has to stay one step ahead of everyone who’s after her.

The Gifting Series by K.E. Ganshert

“If science is right, then I am crazy. And crazy is dangerous.”

In a world where nothing supernatural exists, Tess Eckhart is positive she’s going crazy. After her complete freakout at a high school party, her parents worry she might be right. So much that they pack their bags and move across the country, next to a nationally-renowned facility for the mentally ill.

Tess is determined to fit in at her new school, despite the whispers and stares. But when it comes to Luka Williams, a reluctantly popular boy in her class, she’s unused to a stare that intense. Then the headaches start, and the seemingly prophetic dreams that haunt her at night. As Tess tries harder to hide them, she becomes increasingly convinced that Luka knows something—that he might somehow be responsible.

But what if she’s wrong? What if Luka Williams is the only thing separating her from a madness too terrifying to fathom?

The Water Keeper by Charles Martin

A riveting new story of heroism, heartache, and the power of love to heal all wounds.

Murphy Shepherd is a man with many secrets. He lives alone on an island, tending the grounds for a church with no parishioners, and he’s dedicated his life to rescuing those in peril. But as he mourns the loss of his mentor and friend, Murph himself may be more lost than he realizes.

When he pulls a beautiful woman named Summer out of Florida’s Intracoastal Waterway, Murph’s mission to lay his mentor to rest at the end of the world takes a dangerous turn. Drawn to Summer, and desperate to find her missing daughter, Murph is pulled deeper and deeper into the dark and dangerous world of modern-day slavery.

With help from some unexpected new friends, including a faithful Labrador he plucks from the ocean and an ex-convict named Clay, Murph must race against the clock to locate the girl before he is consumed by the secrets of his past—and the ghosts who tried to bury them.

With Charles Martin’s trademark lyricism and poignant prose, The Water Keeper is at once a tender love story and a heartrending search for freedom.

Join the conversation. Do you enjoy reading suspense novels? Have you read any of the books mentioned? What Christian Suspense titles would you add to this must-read list? 

Comment by May 11 for a chance to win a copy of one of these five books in your preferred format (digital or paperback).

If you missed last week’s author interview with Shaen Layle, find it here.

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Deena Adams

    Congratulations to Audra Sanlyn! You’re the winner! Look for an email from me.

    Thanks everyone for joining the conversation! Happy reading!

  • Lynn Moore

    It looks like I need to add a few more books to my “to read” list!!! That list grows faster than I can read! 🤣📚🤣

  • Lual Krautter

    Hi, Deena. Yes, Romantic Suspense is truly my favorite kind of CF! Would love to win a print book by Charles Martin or Lisa Carter. Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! God bless!

    • Deena Adams

      Hi Lual. Under a Turquoise Sky by Lisa Carter is my favorite of hers so far. She’s a fantastic writer. I’ve enjoyed Charles Martin’s books, too. Although not suspense, I really enjoyed When Crickets Cry by him. What’s your favorite of Lisa’s and Charles’? Thanks so much for reading and joining the conversation!

  • Susan Stitch

    I really appreciate this list! I’ve read the If I Run series, but not the others. Can’t wait to check out these new reads (well, new to me). Thanks!

  • Jeanette Davis

    love suspense! some of the titles above I have read and they were so suspensful. (Holly Series, CC Warrens, and If I Run, Terri Blackstone)

    • Deena Adams

      Aren’t they fabulous authors! I think you’d enjoy the others listed as well. Thanks for reading and joining the conversation, Jeanette!

  • Cindy Huff

    I saw your post in the Avid readers group on FB. I love suspense. I have read the Holly series and LOVE Teri Blackstock. I will check out the others. Thanks

    • Deena Adams

      I love Terri Blackstock too! Hope you’ll enjoy the others mentioned. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog and commenting, Cindy. 😊

  • Cherie J

    I love suspense and I am definitely intrigued by The Gifting. I also enjoyed Nancy Drew growing up!

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks for stopping by, Cherie! The Gifting series is one of my all-time favorites. Different than anything else I’ve read. If you read it, let me know what you think.

    • Renee Pelfrey

      I have read the Holly series by Warrens and If I Run series by Blackstock. Both of those are so good! I would also add the Rock Harbor series by Colleen Coble to this list.

      I saw your post on Avid. Thank you for the invite!

      • Deena Adams

        Hi Renee! Thanks for reading and joining the conversation. Yes, the Holly and If I Run series’ are great! The Gifting Series is different but I absolutely loved it. I’ve read Colleen Coble before but not the Rock Harbor series. Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll have to put it on my list.

  • Linda McKain

    Deena, I am enjoying your newsletter.

    I found Charles Martin on your post. I am currently finishing up “When Crickets Cry”. I looking forward to read next “the Water Keeper”.

    I think I have read most of Terri Blackstone works. I loved the “If I Run” series.

    I look forward to attending new conferences hoping I will find you as a speaker again ( I attended the zoom conference this past fall)

    Always in Christ,
    Linda McKain

    • Deena Adams

      Aren’t Terri Blackstock and Charles Martin great writers? If only I could write half as well. 😊.

      I hope you’ll be able to attend our Virginia online conference again this November. I just led the devotion last year. We’ll see if God plans for me to do that again this year.

      Thanks so much for your kind words regarding my newsletter. I’m so thankful for your support and encouragement.

  • Mary Mccauley

    I lovedbthe Terri blackstock books. I hope to get to some of the others..just can’t read fast enough.

  • Teresa+Moyer

    Oh I love suspence novels! I will get these all added to my Amazon list of books to buy. Oh and the one that really grabbed my attention 1000% was The Gifting Series by K.E. Ganshert.

    • Deena Adams

      If you love suspense, you’ll enjoy these, Teresa. The Gifting Series was amazing!! Enjoy! Thanks so much for joining the conversation.

  • Colleen K Snyder

    Why you got to tempt me with all these books to read when I’m fighting to finish my own?? I will keep the list, however. They look good. Which is your favorite? Or which series do you recommend as a “starter series” for those who don’t normally read suspense? Thanks for posting!

    • Deena Adams

      Oh, that’s like asking a mother which is her favorite child! The Holly series, Gifting series, and If I Run series all kept me turning the pages and purchasing the next book immediately. The Gifting series was more along the line of supernatural events and the other two had police officers in them. You’ll have to go by the books’ descriptions and choose which one resonates with you most. Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting!

  • Connie Isbell

    I love suspense novels too and I also grew up reading almost all of the Nancy Drew mysteries! I didn’t even realize there were Christian suspense novels. Thank you for these recommendations! I think I’m going to start with The Gifting series. 💗

  • Audra Sanlyn

    I LOVE suspense novels, but haven’t read any of these! They all sound amazing. I would probably add Ted Dekker’s new novel Play Dead to this list. It’s more in the genre of psychological thriller, but definitely fits the bill in the suspense realm. I can’t wait to dig into some of these!

    • Deena Adams

      Thanks so much for joining the conversation, Audra! I haven’t read much of Ted Dekker’s stuff but maybe I’ll give this new one a try.