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Author Interview,  Giveaway,  Hope-filled Fiction

Heidi Glick: Christmas, Suspense, Romance, and More

I have a writing desk, but I usually sit in different places at home. Sometimes, I take my laptop with me to the library or Panera. 

Diet Coke or Pepsi and Cheez-Its. 

Currently, I have five cats and one dog. Years ago, I had a Schipperke named Sparky. He made his way into my debut novel, Dog Tags

The setting of my current story is in a fictional city/county in Northwest Ohio. I loosely based the city off of Findlay, Ohio (Hancock County). 

Sometimes, I choose them at random. Sometimes, I look at baby name and surname lists online. Earlier today, I posted a poll on Facebook to ask followers for input on a character’s name. 

I would probably choose historical or spec. I enjoy reading historical fiction, but because I am not a history buff (like my husband), I would probably choose spec. and create my own world. 

If I had to choose one, I would choose my current work in progress. I’m currently working on a three-book series. I would choose the first book in the series. The characters are my favorite. 

I read books and articles. I attended the Writers’ Police Academy as well as my local citizens Sheriff’s Academy. I contact professionals and ask them questions. When I can’t find anyone, I get books on various topics. 

I’ve participated in critique groups. I think they are helpful. More recently, I started submitting my manuscripts to an editor to save time. 

The pro is that they provide free feedback. The con is that they can take up your time. 

I’m actually reading advance reader copies right now. I’m reading several other Christmas stories, along with a nonfiction book, and a children’s book. 

I would encourage aspiring writers to join a professional writing organization and attend writing conferences. I would also suggest reading books about writing and joining a critique group or hiring an editor for feedback. 

I’m currently working on a three-book environmental thriller series set in Cincinnati, Ohio. I’ve written the first two books but am still writing the third. 

Comment on Heidi Glick’s author interview by 12/5 for a chance to win an ebook of her Christmas novel, 12 Days. (US winner only) #amreading #christmasreads

12 Days book cover

Click the book cover for purchase link

Scott Newton retires from the sheriff’ s office after a fellow officer is killed. Wracked by sorrow and the need for justice, Scott grows distant from his girlfriend, aspiring crime writer, Lindsay Billings. But, when Lindsay goes missing, and Scott discovers her research on the missing person cases thought to be the work of a serial murderer known as the Christmas Killer, Scott vows to find her at all costs. Police have never found the bodies of the people who went missing many Christmases ago, and Lindsay won’t become just another statistic.

Then, someone kills again in Blanchardville. Police locate a corpse atop one of seven inflatable swans on a pond, and another body in a pear tree. Scott receives odd texts from Lindsay’s phone and deduces they’re from the killer.

In order to save Lindsay, Scott agrees to meet the madman and play his game. As time runs out, Scott must learn to trust in God again, no matter what.

Heidi Glick has a B.A. in biology from Cedarville University, a Master of Technical Communication from Utah State University, and a passion for writing Christian fiction. Additionally, she is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Faith, Hope, and Love Christian Writers and has written two articles for Intercom.

Before becoming a suspense writer, Heidi taught science to middle and high school students and edited science documents. Heidi resides in rural Northwest Ohio with her husband, two children, and six pets.

Connect with Heidi: Website / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram / Twitter

Heidi Glick head shot

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.