Jennifer L. Wright: Bonnie & Clyde, Guinea Pigs, a Giveaway and More
When I saw Jennifer Wright’s most recent book cover and the story blurb on Fiction Finder, I had to ask if she’d like to share an interview on my blog. I’m thrilled she said yes! I hope you enjoy hearing about Jennifer’s newest historical novel, The Girl from the Papers.
Be sure to comment below by August 15 for a chance to win a paperback copy! (US winner only)
Welcome to my blog, Jennifer! Please tell us a little about yourself and your family.
I have been married to my wonderful husband, who is a pilot in the United States Air Force, for almost sixteen years, and I have two kids, a son and a daughter. Because of my husband’s career, we move quite a bit but, currently, southern New Mexico is home.
Sending huge thanks to your husband and family for serving our country. Do y’all have any pets? Do they find their way into any of your stories?
I am obsessed with my three guinea pigs, all of whom are named after sweet treats: Peanut Butter Cup, Snickerdoodle, and Nougat. If you follow me on any of my social media channels, you will invariably see pictures of them at least once a week. They are my darlings. But I haven’t yet found a way to work them into any of my books. Since I write historical fiction, I’d need to do a deep-dive into when they became household pets first!
I can’t say I’m a guinea pig fan, but their names are adorable. I’d love to know what advice you’d give an aspiring author.
If God has laid the desire and passion on your heart to write, then don’t give up! I wrote solidly for over ten years before scoring a publishing contract. Even the book that eventually became my debut, If It Rains, was initially rejected by hundreds of agents and dozens of publishing houses before finding a home at Tyndale. Every part of me wanted to quit…but God would not let me. I knew, from the countless hours of prayerful petitions to Him, that this is what He was calling me to do. And if you have that same sense, don’t give up! Trust in His timing, His plan, and His purpose for you.
Excellent advice. Your dedication is inspiring. If you could only publish one book in your lifetime, which of your novels would you choose?
Wow! This is such a hard question! I tend to always favor my current book, though, so I think I’ll have to go with my newest one, The Girl from the Papers. It was such a fun book to research and write, and I really connected with the main character of Beatrice on so many levels.
How long, on average, does it take you to write a book?
Because I write historical fiction, researching the story usually takes longer than actually writing it. On average, I put in anywhere from six months to a year of researching before starting to write. First drafts usually take around four to six months with another six months of editing before I turn the book into my publisher.
Your dedication to the writing craft is shining again. I’m impressed by how much you pour into your novels. What is the premise of The Girl from the Papers?
This book is based loosely on the lives of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, the infamous outlaws from the Great Depression. While doing research on them, I discovered the pair had a pretty strong faith background and, according to some accounts, even prayed nightly together. Ultimately, however, the pull of the world was just too strong for them. So I wanted to explore what it might have looked like for someone in similar circumstances to perhaps lean into God rather than away. How might that have played out? And, unlike the tragic outcome of Bonnie and Clyde’s story, how might things have ended up differently? From these questions, The Girl from the Papers was born.
Love it. What do you hope your readers take away from The Girl from the Papers?
I hope readers come to understand just how much they are loved by God. That, as Paul wrote so beautifully in the book of Romans, “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). I think it’s easy to get so caught up in our own sinfulness, thinking we can’t change it and that God could never accept us because of it, but it’s just not true.
Such an important truth for all of us. What do you enjoy most about being a writer?
I love being part of the growing movement to speak Truth into the lives of readers. The world is a dark, depressing place, full of lies and confusion, and I think a large percentage of books in the marketplace today reflect that. Knowing that my books offer readers hope and light instead is such a tremendous honor. I always say that if one of my books makes a difference in just one reader’s life, then all the work that went into it is worth it. This world needs Christian fiction now more than ever.
I couldn’t agree more! Has a reader ever blessed your socks off? How?
I once had a reader reach out and tell me one of my books helped give her a new outlook on a medical condition with which she’d struggled her entire life. She had struggled with anger, bitterness, and confusion over her condition, much like the main character in one of my novels, and it was only after journeying with that character through the pages of my book that she was (much like the character) able to come to terms with what God had assigned as her portion in life. Seeing God use my words to make a difference in someone’s life like that? It was a truly humbling experience that blessed me in ways I cannot even describe.
That’s what it’s all about, right? What’s next from you?
I’m currently working on another historical fiction dual timeline novel set in both the 1880’s and the 1930’s. The story focuses on work in a Civilian Conservation Corps Camp while also flashing back to a unique (and perhaps not entirely trustworthy) retelling of the story of one of New Mexico’s most famous outlaws.
Sounds like another winner! Thank you so much for sharing on my blog, Jennifer. It’s been such a pleasure learning about you and your writing journey. God bless you.
For a chance to win a paperback of The Girl from the Papers by Jennifer L. Wright (US winner only), visit her interview and comment there by 8/15. #amreading #giveaway #historicalfiction
TweetJoin the Conversation. Does a book based on Bonnie and Clyde snag your interest? What do you like most about reading historical novels? What questions and comments do you have for Jennifer?
Be sure to comment below by August 15 for a chance to win a paperback of The Girl from the Papers! (US winner only)

The Girl from the Papers by Jennifer L. Wright
Click the book cover for purchase link
Inspired by one of America’s most notorious couples, Bonnie and Clyde, Jennifer L. Wright delivers a riveting tale set during the public enemy era of the Great Depression.
Beatrice Carraway has dreams. Although she’s aged out of the childhood pageant circuit, she’s intent on carrying her talents all the way to the big screen—if only she can escape the poverty of West Dallas first. But as the Great Depression drags the working class further and further under, Beatrice struggles just to keep herself, her mother, and her younger sister afloat. After a string of failed auditions, she feels defeated.
And then in walks Jack Turner. Though Beatrice is determined to pull herself up by her bootstraps, Jack has decided on a different path out of the gutters. It isn’t long before Beatrice is swept into an exciting and glamorous life of crime beside the man she loves. Keeping one step ahead of the law, she sees her dreams of fame come true when her name and picture are plastered in newspapers across the country. Yet as their infamy grows, the distance between them widens. While Jack begins seeking bigger payouts and publicity, Beatrice starts to long for a safe, quiet life and something deeper to fill the emptiness in her soul. But when the danger of Jack’s schemes ratchets up, Beatrice fears her dreams—and her future—will end up going down in a hail of bullets.
Jennifer Wright has been writing since middle school, eventually earning a master’s degree in journalism from Indiana University. However, it took only a few short months of covering the local news to realize that writing fiction is much better for the soul–and definitely way more fun. A born and bred Hoosier, she was swept off her feet by an Air Force pilot and has spent the past decade traveling the world and, every few years, attempting to make old curtains fit in the windows of a new home.
She currently resides in New Mexico with her husband, two children, one grumpy dachshund, and three overly demanding guinea pigs.
Her debut novel, ‘If It Rains,’ was nominated for a Kipp Award, and her second novel, ‘Come Down Somewhere,’ is a semi-finalist for a 2023 Carol Award in the Historical Novel category. She is also a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers).

Please share Jennifer’s interview on social media to help spread the word about her book!
Check out these interviews with Amy Anguish, Melanie Snitker, and Shanon McNear.
Deena Adams
Congratulations, Jeanette! You’re the winner of Jennifer’s book. Look for an email soon!
Jeanette Davis
Hi Deena and Jennifer
What a wonderful interview! I just read Loyal Judas by Lila Diller it’s plot is what if Judas was loyal instead of a betrayer…your book sounds similar taking people we know and making them follow a better path (although I know Bonnie and Clyde are not in your book; and they did not betray the Lord)…What if Bonnie and Clyde clung to their faith? I love the question Deena ‘Which of your books would you choose?’ and your reply Jennifer ‘the book I am writing’ I don’t write books but I always tend to favor the book I am reading. So when asked my favorite book, the one I am reading is my response. Although I have many favorite authors. These posts help me to discover more and more favorite authors.
Thank you both
Deena Adams
Hi, Jeanette. Thank you for adding so much to the conversation here! It’s fun to learn about new books and their authors, isn’t it? I keep saying, if I never get published, I’m having a blast meeting authors and interacting with readers who love Christian Fiction as much as I do.
As soon as I saw this cover and read what this book is about, I became completely intrigued! I absolutely cannot wait to read this book and would love to win a copy for my bookshelf!
Cindy Hogan
I can’t wait to read The Girl From The Papers! It sounds amazing and I love the cover!
Deena Adams
Thanks for stopping by, Cindy!
Vickie Waters
Ever since I saw the cover of this book and heard what it is about I’ve wanted to read it! Sounds SO fascinating! It’s amazing how much research goes into writing a historical fiction book! I did not realize Bonnie and Clyde has a background steeped in faith. Wow! This will be such a good read. I know it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Deena Adams
I agree about the historical research, Vickie. So intense! I admire authors who research so thoroughly. Best of luck in the giveaway!
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Vickie! I have to say–research is probably one of my favorite things about writing historical fiction, and Bonnie and Clyde did not disappoint! Such fascinating, tragic lives. I hope you get a chance to read it!
While the names Bonnie & Clyde are very well known, I know little about them. I look forward to this book.
Deena Adams
Thanks for chiming in, Patty!
Jennifer Wright
Thank you, Patty! I hope you enjoy it!
Valerie Benton
As a fellow former journalist and an historical fiction author, I am intrigued by this book and the one you mentioned in your interview that helped the woman with coming to peace with her medical condition. I look forward to checking out your works. Wishing you much success on these and future works.
~ Valerie
Deena Adams
Thanks for reading and joining the conversation, Valerie!
Jennifer Wright
Hi from one former journalist to another, Valerie! I think having that prior experience is extremely helpful, especially in writing historical fiction, as there is a lot of research that goes into it. Thank you so much for the interest in my books. I hope you get a chance to read them!
Teresa A Moyer
Great interview! I have the eBook already so dont put my name in the drawing 🙂 I look forward to reading it 🙂
Deena Adams
Happy reading, Teresa!
Jennifer Wright
Thanks so much for picking up the ebook, Teresa! I hope you enjoy it!
Teresa Warner
I’m always looking for new authors to read and this sounds like a good one for me. I was always interested in the lives of Bonnie and Clyde!
Deena Adams
I’m glad you found a viable option for a new author to read, Teresa. Thanks for joining the conversation!
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Teresa! I’d be honored if you’d give it a read, and I hope you enjoy it!
Caryl Kane
Historical novels breathe life into the past.
Jennifer, What do you most enjoy about writing?
Jennifer Wright
Caryl–I think you hit the nail right on the head. I enjoy breathing life into the past, shedding light on people and places that may get overlooked. It’s one thing to learn about history through facts and figures; it’s quite another to put yourself into a fictional character’s shoes and experience the events of the past firsthand.
Deena Adams
Thanks so much for adding to the conversation, Caryl!
Debbie Williams
You’re going to think I’m related to the world. Eva
Marie Everson always tells me she thinks that! It’s only because of my interest in genealogy that I know these things. Besides, aren’t we all related?
I’m intrigued by the Bonnie and Clyde aspects of her research. The movie came out in August 1967, just prior to the beginning of my senior year of high school. I remember seeing it in our local Martin Theater in Andalusia, Alabama, the model for the Loblolly, AL in my novels.
Years later as I began doing our family genealogy, I discover through newly-found cousins in my Olive side, that actress Faye Dunaway, who portrayed Bonnie, is my cousin. We share GGG Olive grandparents. When I commented to the cousins who told me (they’d grown up knowing her in north Florida panhandle area) how beautiful she is, they assured me it’s all Hollywood smoke and mirrors. We’ll now. That put a different light in much of what we see on the screen.
I’m looking forward to reading this one and picturing Cousin Faye as I’ve always seen her.
Jennifer Wright
How fascinating, Debbie! What a unique connection to the world of Bonnie and Clyde. I hope you enjoy ‘The Girl from the Papers’ and I appreciate you giving it a read!
Deena Adams
Hi, Debbie. Wow, that’s amazing! I love how you’ve discovered so much about your past through researching genealogy. Thanks for sharing a bit of your story here with us. Enjoy Jennifer’s book!
Vickiea Escalante
Hi, Deena & Jennifer!
I’m excited to read this book! I just got an email this week about it and it looks so interesting! Thanks for sharing a little of your “behind the scenes” with us!
Deena Adams
Thanks for reading the interview and joining the conversation, Vickie! Jennifer’s book has certainly grabbed my attention too. I’m looking forward to reading it as well.
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Vickiea! I hope you enjoy it. It certainly was a fascinating book to research and write!
Alyssa Schwarz
What an amazing writing journey! It’s so encouraging to hear stories like this and how God has been able to use your writing to touch the lives of others.
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Alyssa! It has been a long journey but now, looking back, I can definitely see God’s hand in it all, and I feel so fortunate to be able to use what He’s given me to bring Him glory!
Deena Adams
I’m so glad you enjoyed Jennifer’s interview, Alyssa. Writing stories to touch lives is such a blessing and inspiration isn’t it? And we get the wonderful pleasure of reading them!
Pam Piccolo
Love what Jennifer said in her interview: “This world needs Christian fiction now more than ever.” Couldn’t agree more! Wishing her great success as she offers hope and light to our dark and confusing world.
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Pam! I’m so happy to hear that you agree with me about the importance of Christian fiction. Jesus has called us to be a light on a hill–and I am so honored to be able to use the gifts He’s given me to do just that!
Deena Adams
Amen, Pam! Thanks for stopping by.
Ashlyn McKayla Ohm
What a great interview, and Jennifer’s names for her guinea pigs made me smile! 🙂 I can’t wait to read The Girl from the Papers–historical fiction with a Bonnie and Clyde twist? Yes please!
Deena Adams
I agree wholeheartedly, Ashlyn! Thanks for reading and commenting. 😀
Carrie Pederson
I love the encouragement offered and pointing to living a godly life. Authors that focus on Jesus is where I go in my reading. Love Christian Fiction. Thank you Deena and Jennifer.
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Carrie! I am so honored to be a part of this growing world of Christian fiction, and I know I speak for more than just myself when I say that authors are so grateful for readers like YOU! Blessings!
Deena Adams
Carrie, that’s exactly why I love Christian Fiction as well. Thanks so much for adding your voice to the conversation!
Jennifer Wright
Thank you so much, Ashlyn. I wish I could take credit for my guinea pigs’ names, but it was all my kids’ doing. They are adorable, though! And I hope you enjoy ‘The Girl from the Papers’!