Hope When Cancer Attacks – Part Three
By Ben Trueblood, Sr. on @deenamadams
CLICK TO TWEET: Hope When Cancer Attacks – Part Three. A personal story of God’s deliverance.
Today Ben shares the conclusion of his cancer journey. We pick up when Ben was rushed to the hospital and doctors told his his wife to call in the family to say their goodbyes. Read and be inspired!
If you missed part one, read it here. For part two, find it here.

I was in ICU for three weeks and didn’t realize very much except I was sicker than I had ever been in my life. I wanted to live and had a strong desire to make it.
I believed God had my life in His hands, no one else had that authority over me. John 3:16 was my foundational verse during this time of my treatment and recovery when I was the sickest.
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (NLT)
I needed this encouragement that God had my life now and for eternity.
When you’re alone, evil can creep into your thoughts, and Satan can challenge your spirit.
That’s where God comes through when you can’t.
I recall one of those times in ICU … I don’t know if I was in the Spirit, dreaming, or seeing a vision, but I was being attacked by evil in my mind. There were two dimmer lights in my room the nurses left on instead of turning on the overheads.
Remember the Bible studies I did, and the weekly verses I memorized? I didn’t realize how important they would become, but the words of those verses started coming down out of those light rays one word at a time, giving me what I needed to refute the evil bombarding my mind. Powerful and comforting to my spirit.
Again, a God thing.
There were so many things God did for me during the next year and is still doing for me today.
God provided so many people for me in the right place at the right time. I’ll mention some of them, but there were so many people I didn’t even know personally.
First, my wife, Lynn. I’ll call her my super angel. I would never have made it without her total sacrifice for me.

She always did ALL the things that were required of her. I don’t even know what was required, because she took care of everything and did it with my benefit in mind, along with all the other jobs she still did daily.
My kids, the grandkids, and extended family supported Lynn during the next year.
John Moore was one of my heroes during my hardest days. He had cancer before I did, so he helped with things I hadn’t experienced yet. I really miss him.
John Moore and Ben receiving chemotherapy together

Bob Vogler was my personal nurse and driver to appointments when Lynn was working. What a blessing he was.
Doctors, nurses, chemo and radiation technicians, church family visitations and their prayers and support were invaluable to Lynn and me.
There were so many people who contributed to my care.
There’s so much more, and God supplied so many more people in my life to help me through this season. What you’ve read in this testimony is about what He did and who He provided for me to get through this sickness.
I owe my all to Him for His goodness toward me.
He deserves all the praise, honor, and ALL the glory that has come from this trial of life. Thank you for the opportunity to share this with you. May God bless you.

Ben Trueblood, Sr., aka Moses, has been an active member of Sonlight Church since 2001. Ben leads a life group, is a member of the executive leadership team, and plays percussion in the church band.
Our lives are enriched by his positive attitude and unrelenting faith in our good God. All who know him are so thankful God chose to keep him around a while longer.
Join the conversation. Have you ever experienced God’s healing touch? What people did He use in your life to help you through a crisis? What Bible verse did you cling to in your darkest moments?
Lynn Moore
Ben….thank you for sharing your story. I know God will use it…as He uses your life…to encourage others and to bring glory to His name! You were a very special part of my John’s journey with cancer. It was beautiful to watch the two of you encourage each other and those around you. Blessings to you always my friend as you continue on the path God has paved just for you!
I’m blessed and privileged to know each of you and witness God’s beautiful grace through your lives. Love you Lynn and Ben and I sure miss your sweet John, Lynn.
Deena Adams
I’m so blessed to have a front row seat to watch God’s grace at work in you Lynn Moore. I love and miss your John and am so thankful to have known him. I praise God for you and your faith. You shine brightly.
Deena Adams
Praise God for those He puts in our lives who walk with us on our journey. Where would we be without them? Thanks for your comment, Dave.
Thank you, Ben.
Your telling us about those who helped reminds me of the steady friends who have supported me.
Ben Trueblood
Dave, I don’t know your story but I know that God is right in the middle of it and if I can do or say anything for you, I’m here. May God bless you and YOUR friends.