Hope When Cancer Attacks – Part Two
By Ben Trueblood, Sr. on @deenamadams
CLICK TO TWEET: Hope When Cancer Attacks – Part Two. A personal story of deliverance.
Today, you’ll get to read part two of my friend, Ben’s, cancer journey. Last week we left off after Ben learned he had Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the lymph node on the left side of his neck. Along with a praying family surrounding him, he knew he needed God on his side.
If you missed part one, please read it here first.

The next several months brought about everything that needed to take place to prepare me for the plan of attack against this, now, stage four cancer.
I’ll list them but won’t go into depth of explanation on everything.
Complete physical, heart test, lung x-rays, CT scan, PET scan, blood sample analysis, 7 biopsies of tumor area, 2 tonsil biopsies, and teeth x-rays.
I had five initial doctors, all specialists in their areas, and all needed to examine my test results to determine the team’s plan of attack.
My tonsils were removed because the throat doctor believed they were the origin of my cancer, but that turned out to be false. A lot different having tonsils taken out when you are 8 or 10 years old compared to 64 years old.
Also, I had to have a tooth pulled before I couldn’t start chemo and radiation due to side affects to the mouth’s bones.
They inserted a feeding tube into my stomach because, after radiation started on my neck, my throat would burn so badly I wouldn’t be able to swallow food.
Because I only received liquid food, I lost 99 pounds during the first six months of my treatment and recovery.

It was December by this time, and the tumor had grown from a small growth to a huge swollen area on my neck running to the back of my head causing indescribable pain.
The team of doctors determined my plan of treatment. Seven weeks of radiation and chemotherapy was to begin December 27, 2012.
The radiation required me to wear a mask during treatments to protect my face, eyes, and nose area from the radiation burns.
My head had to be strapped to the table so there wouldn’t be any movements during the treatments. Remember, I mentioned I’m claustrophobic, so I needed some help to deal with this.
God gave the answer.
The chemo treatments weren’t tough at first and took about 4 ½ hours through an IV.

After radiation treatments were completed
The following is a summary of events that took place after my treatments began and how God stayed with me through them all.
The company where I worked for 37 ½ years was supposed to be sold the end of December 2012, and it wasn’t sold until June 2013, allowing me to have insurance during my treatments.
If they’d sold in December 2012, the new company probably wouldn’t have hired me, and I’d have lost all medical benefits.
God thing, wouldn’t you say?
Even though I received long-term disability by my work insurance, my company also paid me my full salary for the time I was out with cancer and recovery.
I made more money sick than I did working, not that I would want to have all the money in the world if I had to have cancer to receive it.
God thing, wouldn’t you say?
During one of my stays in the hospital, Lynn came in one day and told me the company was selling out all their inventories and my boss had asked if I wanted to buy one of their newer trucks (F250 2010, two years old). I asked her how much. When she said $2900, I told her to buy all they had. LOL.
God thing, wouldn’t you say?
One night, the chemo messed up my entire system. I was sick, and all my vitals were everywhere they weren’t supposed to be. I needed professional help.
When Lynn arrived, the doctor told her the family needed to come because they didn’t believe I would make it very long.
But God had other plans for me.
Don’t miss the amazing conclusion of Ben’s story next week!

Ben Trueblood, Sr., aka Moses, has been an active member of Sonlight Church since 2001. Ben leads a life group, is a member of the executive leadership team, and plays percussion in the church band.
Our lives are enriched by his positive attitude and unrelenting faith in our good God. All who know him are so thankful God chose to keep him around a while longer.
Join the conversation. What part of Ben’s story do you relate to the most? Patient or caregiver? How has prayer and faith strengthened you during times of crisis?