Should White Authors Write Diverse Characters?
By Deena Adams
In November 2018, I started writing my first novel during Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month). Four months later, I wrote “The End” on a 120,000 word story, which I’ve been editing, reworking, and paring down since.
The storyline unfolded as I went along, what the writing world calls Pantsing, and took shape with two main characters—a heroine and a hero. My heroine is a White event planner who becomes a CASA (court-appointed special advocate) volunteer after her mayor husband dies in a car accident she deems as her fault. The hero is a Black behavioral psychologist and homeless shelter manager who ends up on the same case with the heroine, and the two develop a relationship.
I recently created a novelette about the hero’s childhood to offer as a giveaway for newsletter subscribers and sent the story to an editor last week. Before completing the edit, she wrote with concerns about me as a White author writing Black characters because of the potential backlash from the “Own Voices Campaign.” If you’re like me and this is the first you’re hearing about this, here’s an informative blog post.

Mixed emotions are swirling inside me over this issue. I totally support giving more opportunities to under represented voices in the writing community, and I believe whole-heartedly that each person should be heard and respected as the professional they are regardless of skin color. This goes not only for Black authors, but all marginalized individuals and groups.
But that shouldn’t prevent people of a differing race and experience from including diversity in their stories. If that were the case, how could anyone pen a historical novel? Those authors weren’t there and didn’t experience those events. But they can research and interview individuals to gain knowledge and insight on the subject matter.
Or how could one write about any experiences they hadn’t gone through, such as disabilities, mental illness, or even creating a point of view character of the opposite sex? And does this Own Voices movement prevent Black authors from writing White, Asian, or any other race characters? Or Asian authors from writing White characters or other races?
While the Own Voices mentality goes along with “write what you know,” which I’ve been told since jumping into the publishing arena, should that exclude anyone from researching a topic or specific type of character and writing about them well? Allowing authors of all races to include diverse characters offers minorities and the disenfranchised more representation, which is what this world sorely needs in my opinion.
But in my situation, I have written about what I know because my daughter married a Black man, and I have two biracial grandchildren, which was the catalyst for writing about an interracial couple. That, and the fact people of color have commented at writers’ conferences about the need for more diversity in novels. For White authors not to just add “token” minority characters to our books, but those with a key role who experience a character arc. Also, I volunteered as a CASA in the juvenile court and served Black foster children and families for three-and-a-half years.
But now, it seems these experiences are not enough for me to be accepted as a White author writing diverse characters.
Our world is diverse . . . our families are diverse . . . so shouldn’t our stories represent diversity?
So here’s my dilemma: If I don’t change my characters to White, I could be blacklisted and never get published. If I change my characters’ race, I might be published, but at the expense of compromising my belief in equality and freedom from censorship and racism of any kind.
But is keeping my original story worth the risk of backlash to stand on a principle, especially one that isn’t centered on biblical or theological issues or about changing history? At this point, I’m thinking no.
Although sad, as a debut author I don’t have the luxury of writing what I want but must write what’s expected in the publishing world. So, for now, I’ve changed my main characters to White.

What do you think?
Join the conversation. Do you, or would you, read novels with diverse characters written by authors of a different race than their hero and/or heroine? Are you offended when someone of a different race writes about your race, especially if you’re an author? I would love to hear your thoughts. Please keep comments respectful and grace-filled. Anything otherwise will be deleted.
If you missed last week’s Zoom interview with Jennifer Hallmark, find it here.
Jennifer Eagle
Hi Deena, I am a writer studying publishing at Ryerson University. I have also actively been involved in my Canadian writing community for years, and I am very aware of Diversity in Writing. There is no reason for you to change the race of your African American character. We live in a diverse community. If your book was to be published, their are now diversity editors who can check the accuracy of characters, for instance, which is much more objective than someone’s opinion. Publishers’ want books that reflect our diverse world, and would be in fact less interested in a book with two Caucasian characters. A writer is giving a free workshop on this very issue.
Dear Writers,
You are invited to attend a free lecture with author and editor Niesha Davis.
This lecture is for anyone who wants to write characters outside of their own perspective, while meeting the needs of major publishers – who increasingly want diverse characters in their books.
Niesha, who has worked as a diversity consultant for Penguin Random House, will show you how to authentically represent diverse characters in your books, as well as the role “diversity readers” play in the publishing process.
The lecture is free to attend.
Register to Attend the Lecture Here
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jacob Jans
Authors Publish
Deena Adams
Hi, Jennifer. Thanks for your comments and for sharing about the diversity lecture. Links aren’t allowed in comments so if you want, you could email me the info through the contact page on my website. Thanks again!
Colleen K Snyder
Edwina, can you define what you mean by “sensitivity readers?” It’s a concept I’ve heard used, but I don’t understand exactly what it means. I’m taking a guess that we should have readers from BIPOC cultures read our work before we publish. I am NOT being argumentative or insensitive in my questions. As Christ-followers, our purpose in our writing is to glorify the Lord, to lift His Name high, and to be pleasing to Him. If what we write marginalizes anyone, then we have missed the mark.
As authors, we struggle against two realities. The first is it can be extremely difficult to get ANYONE to read our work and comment on it. Fact of life. Our author friends are busy writing their own works, paid readers are expensive, “family” won’t tell us the truth for fear of offending us or hurting our feelings…or worse, won’t read it for lack of interest. The second reality is this: every reader brings to the story their own backgrounds, thoughts, and feelings. What one loves, another hates. A line you thought was “throw-away” and of little consequence, someone else sees as a “trigger.” Not every book is for every reader. How, then can we know what will offend some and not others?
Our command from the Lord is to love others as we love Him. (Paraphrase, you can’t love Jesus and hate others. Can’t. Period.) When we submit our works to Him for approval (as I know Deena does) before we even begin to publish, it is with the prayer, “Lord, use this, or forbid it. If it is pleasing and accomplishes Your will, send it where You want it to go. If it isn’t, then shut it down. Have it go nowhere. Better to be unpublished and unknown than to do harm or to dishonor You.” In my experience, God delights in answering those prayers, especially the “shut it down” part. Or so it has been in my life with Him.
A Christ-follower’s mission is to grow into the image of Christ, to be His reflection here and now. We can’t do that while we are hurting or discounting the “imago deo” – the image of God in all men. If you have suggestions on how we – meaning me and others who also follow the Lord – can locate BIPOC who will read and evaluate our works, I would appreciate the information. Do I have BIPOC people in my circle of friends? Yes. But issues of race or skin color rarely come up. We share a common bond: “In Christ, there is no Jew nor Gentile, no black or white, no slave or free, male or female” for we are all equal in the Lord. (Paraphrasing again.)(Snyder memory version…)
in Him
Deena Adams
Thanks for your sincere questions here, Colleen. It’s definitley hard to find people to read our work, especially professionals who have the time and are affordable. May the Lord direct us all to His perfect will for our writing!
Edwina Perkins
Hi Colleen,
Asking what is a sensitivity reader is a great question. I know your question isn’t meant to be argumentative and I didn’t take it that way. The job of a sensitivity reader is to help non-ethnic authors avoid portraying ethnic characters in a way that feels inauthentic or uninformed. The goal isn’t to edit a manuscript’s clarity and logic, but to review a manuscript for internalized bias and negatively charged language. A sensitivity reader is there to help make sure you do not make a mistake, but they are not a guarantee against making a mistake. There is a difference in sensitivity readers and beta readers. Writers often have beta readers read a manuscript and give feedback on their overall impressions of the story. A sensitivity reader is like a beta reader who looks at the story through a specific lens. A beta reader is usually a test reader of an unreleased work of literature or other writing who gives feedback from the point of view of an average reader to the author. A sensitivity reader is someone who specializes in a specific niche and is a part of the specific marginalized community that the author is writing about. The sensitivity reader thoroughly reads over the material for bias, stereotypes, offensiveness, lack of understanding, etc., and offers the author their thoughts as to why they feel something may be a problem and offering possible solutions. Sensitivity readers are paid for their services, beta readers are not, but the more in-depth a sensitivity reader does working with an author and their manuscript is worth the extra step in hiring one. Good sensitivity readers force authors to recognize their blind spots, not only in their work but in the way they move through the world. Be careful not to say you have a sensitivity reader when actually you have beta readers. I hope I’ve answered your question, Colleen. Feel free to reach out again if you have more questions. I welcome them. 🙂
Deena Adams
Thanks for the clarification, Edwina. I knew sensitivity readers were like beta readers except focused on the sensitive nature of the story but I had no idea they were paid. Can you offer a ballpark figure for what one would expect to pay a sensitivity reader of a 90,000 word novel? I would want to have 2-3 readers for the ethnic aspect, which could make it unaffordable, especially since I have other sensitive topics in the story I need readers for as well.
Thanks again for your valuable input in this conversation. Very helpful!
Edwina Perkins
Sure! The cost could range from $250 – $350 plus for an entire manuscript. The amount of work would be a better determination of the cost. If you only want certain sections read, the cost would most likely be by the hour. Most start at $35/hr. This will include any back-and-forth communication for clarity purposes. I’ve done it both ways. I always tell the writer to do what works for them. If only select parts of the manuscript are to be read, a detailed description is needed, but realize the sensitivity reader is only reading what is asked of you. They may make a mistake based on previous parts of the manuscript. Hope this helps. 🙂
Deena Adams
Thanks so much! And piggybacking on Colleen’s question, is there a good place to find sensitivity readers who have experience?
Edwina Perkins
Hi Deena and Colleen,
I know a few I can recommend, but I would need details on what you’re looking for in a sensitivity reader. Please reach out to me at harambeepress@mail.com and I’ll see which of the readers I know are available. Thanks for your interest!
Deena Adams
Thanks, Edwina. I’m still working on edits for my novel so I’m not ready for the sensitivity reader on that quite yet but I wrote a novelette as a lead magnet giveaway based on my novel’s Black hero’s childhood so I could probably use a sensitivity read on that, although there aren’t really any race issues per se. It would just be making sure I’m not off base with my representation overall.
Edwina Perkins
Hi Deena, That’s exactly what a sensitivity reader does. They make sure a marginalized community (or individual) is represented well.
Colleen K Snyder
Where can I find sensitivity readers? Is there a website, or an “agency” (wrong word, but right thought…a group or gathering) that I can connect with?
I have a person of color as a secondary character, (fashioned after women of color I know, love, and appreciate) and race never enters into the story. She is a wise, witty, beautiful, well-spoken professional woman. The story is set in contemporary times, in Ohio. Would this be something a sensitivity reader would want to look at? The character’s actions are all honorable (forgive the word, but I’ve only had half a pot of coffee yet this morning…) above-reproach, brave, intelligent…she is heroic. And again, her race never enters into the story as a matter of discussion or concern.
Would this warrant a reading by a sensitivity reader?
I can see how if I were to “spin-off” this character and her love interest into a separate story, how trying to represent her in daily life would be different, and I would not be wise or capable of writing from her viewpoint, as I haven’t lived in the “head” of a BIPOC.
Thank you for helping me make my writing stronger, closer to what the Lord would want me to write, and stay true to His love for every “tongue, tribe, people, and nation.”
Edwina Perkins
Hi Colleen,
If race never enters your manuscript, how does the reader know she’s a person of color? Does she need to be? It’s okay if your character has characteristics of an ethnic person without being ethnic. If the reader doesn’t know she’s a person of color, then they will assume she’s white. You will have to decide if her race is important or not. If it is important, then be sure to do all you can to make her character authentic. This is where you may need a sensitivity reader.
Lois Kennis
I’m really glad you jumped into this conversation with your wise and thought-provoking comments. I agree with and appreciate everything you said. Even in fiction–perhaps especially in fiction–writers must read widely, research thoroughly, and immerse our souls in the subject(s) we write about. Only then, by prayer and supplication, should we dare to proceed. Thank you so much.
Lois Kennis
Deena Adams
I agree, Lois! Edwina’s contribution to the conversation is exactly what I was hoping for with this post. We NEED to hear from those with expertise on writing diverse characters. I pray I will never write anything that hurts someone. I desire to edify and lift up others and point them to hope in Christ.
I feel this too! My series is about teenage missionaries serving around the globe and sharing their lives with one another via the fictional International Mission Force website. My hope is to give my readers a glimpse of a culture they’ve never experienced. As a result, thousands of hours of research, an in-country content editor, and when possible, a personal trip to the country are a few of the ways I build my story. Book four is written and currently awaiting feedback from sensitivity readers who are Papua New Guineans (where it’s set.) Praying for all of us that our words would edify!
Deena Adams
Hi Felicia. Thanks so much for reading and joining the conversation. It sounds like you’re doing a wonderful job with research for your books. I pray God will bless you and your writing. May we all glorify God and encourage our readers.
Lynn Moore
Deena……WOW…..I was so surprised by your writing dilemma and saddened at the same time. Our country certainly needs unity….in all things. But how do we achieve that when demands are made for separation? I’m not a writer. I’m a reader. And for me personally, checking the author’s ethnic background before, during or after reading anything would never occur to me. A good read is a good read no matter the author. I long for a time when the only “correctness” we have to concern ourselves with is “being a good person who is good to people.” No matter their background or the color of their skin. My prayers continue for you as you endeavor to share your heart through your gift. Write on my friend, write on! ✍️
Deena Adams
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Lynn. I totally agree with you. And the more I think and pray on this issue, the more I’m compelled to keep my original characters and let God decide whether or not it gets published or I get blacklisted. I’m writing for Him, not man’s approval. I’m still praying through it, but when I tried to change my characters’ race today, it just didn’t sit right. Thanks so much for your encouragement and support.
J.M. Hackman
I feel you on this issue.
Many people seem to be looking for something to be offended about, but I think your situation would allow you to write your story. Your daughter and her husband are exactly the kind of situation you’re writing about, and that fact could be included in either the front or back matter of the book. Who better to write this story than someone like you? I’d write what you want, but yes, there could be backlash which is unfortnate and a bit ridiculous. Could you hire a sensitivity writer to go over your story?
I keep thinking about those books with mulitiple POVs. I’m not male, but I occasionally write from that point of view. Does that mean I have to stop?
I pray you can find a solution that is true to the message you want to share.
Deena Adams
Thanks so much for joining the conversation, Jill. I would definitely utilize sensitivity readers for a story with mixed races. I might be able to get away with writing the story with an interracial couple, but one of the problems is probaby the fact that I wrote a novelette as a subscriber giveaway about my novel’s hero, who is Black, so pretty much every character in my giveaway is Black. But honestly, when I went back to change all the characters in the novellete to White, hardly anything changed. That made me feel like I could change my characters to White without losing the integrity of the story. And maybe God will open the door for me later to write a novel based on an interracial couple. My concern right now is with being a debut author. I don’t want to start out on the wrong foot.
I appreciate your input and I could certainly use your prayers!
Sharon K Connell
In my books, I have written characters of diverse ethnicities but never the main character. When it come to my heroes and heroines, I write what I know. My minor characters have been of difference races or nationalities but only those I have known well or have researched thoroughly. At the moment I’m writing a story based in Hawaii. I’ve done my research, contacting people from the state, and have become online friends with a few through the research. The questions I’ve asked (and answered) have been well recieved. I even had one Hawaiian thank me for adding their heritage to my story.
One important thing I found is when it comes to dialect from different ethnicities, you have to be very careful. The best approach is to make it minimal in the dialogue, and make sure you are sounding it out correctly. This was another thing I found when I researched for my current WIP. Many speak what they call pidgin. It’s very difficult to write and the people can be offended if not done properly. I decided to leave it out completely since most speak regular English just as we do. Only a few Hawaiian words have found their way into my story with explanations by the character or the person they are with. It gives it enough of the Hawaiian flavor.
Adding people of other nationalities and social cultures can be done if you are respectful of them and do the proper research. Contact real people from those groups, not just what is printed online by sites and organizations.
Personly, I love to read a story that has different cultures represented in it. It makes the story more interesting.
Deena Adams
Hi Sharon! Thanks so much for reading and joining the conversation. You make very valid points. Research is a must, especially when writing about a culture we’re not personally familiar with. I love diversity in the stories I read as well. It’s more true to life.
Deb Gorman
Wow, Deena! What a conundrum. As usual, I can see both sides of the issue. Comes from my middle child syndrome, I guess.
First off, you provoked me to think about my WIP. One of the characters (who, so far, is only in one scene) is a pastor who is African-American. I’m wondering if my portrayal of him growing up in the Chicago gangs, his dad being a cop, and his 3 brothers being murdered in the gangs is somehow sterotypical and would offend anyone.
Second, just thinking about someone being offended (I must be honest here) irritates me. Because his history and his survival is part of what makes him the kind of pastor he is, and said history is integral to my story.
I’m inclined not to change him to white, just because I’m not black. (Something to ask my editor.)
Also, I have a son and daughter-in-law who have nine children. All but two are adopted and from different racial backgrounds. I know it’s not the same as “growing up black, or Hispanic, or Asian”, but my grandchildren do give me some perspectives I might not otherwise have.
I sincerely hope for wisdom and grace as we navigate these waters as authors, and that we are able to continue to write what we’re called to write, without this fear hanging over us.
Deena Adams
Thanks for reading and joining the conversation, Deb. It’s a conundrum for sure. I’ll pray for you as you pray for me. May we all seek God’s wisdom and direction in this mixed up world we live in.
Deb Gorman
And just as a postscript: It would never, ever enter my head to call for any author of color to “not write white characters”. I would not think their life experiences negates their ability to include well-rounded, compelling characters who happen to be white.
Deena Adams
Same here, Deb.
Colleen K Snyder
I know your heart, my friend. I weep for the changes you feel you must make in this culture of “correctness” we have entered. We want to raise (pardon me, “rear”) children who are colorblind. We want to celebrate the differences, not pretend they don’t exist. We want to hail the hero, no matter the color. As an author, as ANY author knows, our job is to “create” new worlds, not simply report on the one in which we live. Every novel is a slice of “life as I know it” NOT an exact replica of life as it is.
We write what we know. We write what we live. We write the world as we want it to be. To be told, “You can’t write that because you’re not white/black/young/old/hearing-impaired/disabled/cancer-stricken and you don’t know what it’s like” is to still the pens of millions of writers. Maybe we haven’t lived it, but we’ve SEEN it. We’ve seen the impact, felt the pain and the emotions, observed the challenges, the victories, the defeats. We don’t claim to BE these people. We claim, “This is what I see. This is what I lived. This is what I hope for the future.”
To the “Own Voices” – write your stories. Celebrate your heritage. Show us your struggles. But don’t shut us out from sharing what we live. There is room for every book under the sun. Let’s not start saying, “You’re not like me, so you can’t have a voice.” Please.
Final thought: All fantasy writers, all mythological writers, all science-fiction writers…do we not have voices because we’ve not met an alien? Not seen dragons? Not had to battle flying wizards? I appeal to common sense. Let writers write. If you don’t agree with the writer’s presentation, and you don’t like the presentation, you have a powerful way to send a message: don’t buy the book! But don’t make the choice for all the other readers. I’m not allowing “say what you want, hurt who you want.” That is clearly not the intent here. The intent is to write a book of her heart, from her heart, with characters she knows of all colors and backgrounds. Let’s support each other, writers and readers. God has room for us all.
Deena Adams
Colleen, I couldn’t agree with you more. You’ve eloquently stated what’s in my heart. God’s heart must ache over all this division and pain. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
Lois Kennis
Your honest and courageous article raises serious questions about a critical topic.
Kathryn Stockett’s powerful novel, “The Help,” is a perfect example of a #1 New York Times Bestseller that delves into the lives of black women — yet the author is white. The book became a major motion picture, and, in my opinion, is one of the finest novels of the twentieth century. I’ve read at least one article that challenged Kathryn for writing about people of color, but nothing can stop the fact that “The Help” is great literature written from the heart, with a strong message for social and racial justice.
Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and Maya Angelou are also some of the twentieth century’s finest authors, and they wrote powerfully in their own voices.
I’m white. Four of my six grandchildren are a beautiful mixture of black and white. The characters in my first novel happen to be diverse. I pray that honest, soul-searching novel manuscripts will find a publishing home based on their own voice and literary merit, regardless of what the author looks like.
Thank you for this thought-provoking article.
Lois Kennis
Deena Adams
Hi Lois. Thanks so much for reading and joining the conversation. I’ve also read some amazing books by white authors with diverse main characters. It seems the climate in our culture over the past year has changed things.
And let me be clear that I don’t for one minute intend to diminish the hurt people of color have endured over the years. I can’t imagine what they have experienced, and still do today. They deserve to have a voice just as strong as anyone else’s. I just don’t think that has to mean others can’t write diverse characters as well.
I hope and pray the restrictions on authors only writing characters of their own race will change as we move forward. I could keep my story as is and set it aside in hopes it could be published down the road, but there’s no guarantees. As long as changing the race of my characters doesn’t impact the storyline, I plan to go that route at this point. I suppose I’ll see how it sits with me when I start making the changes.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts in this very important discussion.
Tim Richards
Great post Deena. Thank you for sharing what is going on with your writing.
Deena Adams
Hi Tim. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.
Rebecca Trump
Hey Deena,
I’m so sorry to hear you are having this dilemma. I haven’t been published yet but I have diversity in my characters too. Though I don’t look Native American, my great grandmother was. My cousin is married to a Hispanic man and my other cousin and his wife have adopted two Chinese daughters. Our family is very diverse and I don’t understand the problem. As long as you give respect to the different races then what is the issue? God made us all and He loves us all. I’ll pray for you and for all authors to know how to proceed.
Deena Adams
Hi Rebecca. Thanks so much for joining this important conversation. I pray we will all have God’s wisdom and discernment as we seek to honor Him through our stories. Sounds like you have valuable experience to share with the world through your writing.
Hi Deena.
I was not aware of the “own voices” thing, and you introduced it well.
Thank you.
PS – your blog shows up on my email inbox as “wordpress.com,” whereas, other emails show up with the name of the writer or the blog title. For instance, Amre Cortadino.
Not a problem because I know it’s you.
But if you didn’t know what gmail calls you, now you do.
Deena Adams
Hi Dave. Thanks for reading! And thanks for letting me know how my email comes through. It comes to me differently, but still something I need to figure out how to fix.
Edwina Perkins
Hi Deena,
Thank you for posting your thoughts. I will first state I’m a member of a marginalized community who is involved with the publishing industry. With that said I’d like to share my concerns about your question. Should white authors write about diverse characters?
In the publishing industry where most of the leadership is of the dominate culture (more than 90%), most marginalized communities have not been given an opportunity to share our voices. When I say dominate culture I mean the culture that sets the standard for social norms. For many years the norm has been white writers have had greater opportunities to write about other ethnicities. Why? Because of their skin color.
A person in the marginalized community is less likely to get published when writing about their own culture.
There were some well-known black authors listed above, but where are the other ethnic writers?
As a nonethnic writer, how many books have you read by BIPOC writers? (That’s Black, Indigeous, People of Color) If the choice is made not to read what ethnic author are writing, how can you write about ethnic characters? How do you equip yourself to write about diverse characters?
We all can write what we know, but if we write outside of our culture, research isn’t optional, it’s critical. PLEASE read, read, read books about and by BIPOC. Immerse in the culture. Proximity, which some addressed above, does not mean immersion.
Anytime authors include characters outside of their culture (and I’m not only addressing skin color), the writers need to do all they can to write with authenticity. Immersing in the culture will help writers to not feed into stereotypes, which are still prevalent today. Google isn’t enough. With the current events in our nation, we – BIPOC – are asking to tell our stories with our own voices.
This isn’t something new, it’s just we haven’t been listened to before now.
I would strongly encourage writers to use sensitivity readers. I wish I could sit down with you personally and explain this critical component to writing outside of your culture.
Should white writers write about diverse characters? If you do, please, please do your homework, which includes A LOT of research, immerse in the culture as much as you can, and hire a sensitivity reader who is a part of the culture you’re writing about.
As writers we’ve all been given great responsibility. If a writer is told her writing will offend a marginalized community by someone from that comnunity, then the writer needs to be willing to not publish the story. You would be upset if you had to pull your manuscript, but if you publish, your words could hurt an entire community. Would a publication be worth it?
Deena Adams
Hi Edwina. Thank you so much for adding your very important voice to this conversation. I will definitely take your advice to heart and would welcome the opportunity to speak with you more in depth in the future. My desire is to include diverse characters in my stories accurately and with respect, and to honor God in the process. If I can’t do that, then you’re right, I have no business writing diverse characters. Thanks again for your insight. I truly appreciate it.