Carrie Walker: Spotlight on Right Before Their Eyes
I’m so excited to have my friend and critique partner, Carrie Walker, back on this blog this week! Even more exciting, the second book in her Faith Endures series, Right Before Their Eyes, launched into the world last week! If…
Rachel Fordham: Mom life, Fostering, Writing, a Giveaway and More
I’m excited for you to hear from Historical Romance author Rachel Fordham today about her life, writing, and most recent book, Where the Road Bends, which just released June 7. Rachel has offered any one of her previous novels as…
Zoom Interview with Shelia Stovall & a Giveaway
By Deena Adams This week I’m pleased to introduce you to author, Shelia Stovall. Shelia is a fellow member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) and fellow Women’s Fiction writer. We enjoyed a great discussion during our Zoom interview and…
Love the Little Ones
Author, Rachel Fordham's story of hope as she cared for a troubled foster child and how God taught her to love not only the child.
One Lifetime, One Life at a Time – Part Three
By Angela Webber I’m thrilled to share the final piece of Angie Webber’s story as she walks us through their journey into foster care and the adoption of their daughter. If you missed Part One, read it here. For Part…
Do Something
My husband and I attended this conference yesterday in Salem, VA, and it opened my eyes even more to the need for foster care and adoption. Here are a few stats for you: An estimated 88% of trafficking victims come…