When Depression Robs Your Gratitude
Sometimes circumstances in our lives can be so difficult we find it hard to celebrate holidays with joy. With Thanksgiving approaching this week, my mind drifted to one of those periods for me twelve years ago. We were going through a…
Comfort Food
The recipe for No Bake Cookies popped up on my Facebook memories today. Every time I see these cookies, I’m ushered back to my childhood. My brother, who is a year and a half my senior, used to make these regularly. Granted, even though the cookies are made with…
Hope That Heals
Hope is the expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Do you have hope? At times we can have the desire for something to happen, but no expectation that it will. Hopelessness is a very difficult place to…
A Season for Everything
What is it about a simple change in weather that can bring out the best…or the worst…in people? Many of us have a favorite season of the year for various reasons. I love summer. I love that I live just…
Soul Rest
What does Jesus mean when He says we will find rest for our souls? Maybe the first question we need to answer is, “What is a soul?” From my understanding of its very definition, as well as how its used…