Hope That Heals

Hope is the expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Do you have hope? At times we can have the desire for something to happen, but no expectation that it will. Hopelessness is a very difficult place to live. I know, I’ve been there. Sometimes the circumstances of life can become completely overwhelming. You may feel as if a tidal wave has crashed over you and you’re thrashing about, unable to kick your way back to the surface to gulp in the air you need to survive.
Hopelessness can be debilitating. If you are in a pit of despair, the answer is to look up. Reach out to God for the hope you need. Ask Him for even just a small glimpse. Sometimes, if we can grab just a speck, that’s all we need for hope to grow. With just that speck, we can break through the despair and find freedom from our chains.
Do you think the metaphor of breaking free from chains is too drastic for hopelessness? I certainly don’t, because when hopelessness has a hold in our lives, we are not living in the freedom that Christ died to give us. We are prisoners in need of being set free.
My fiction writing addresses real-life situations that many of us face on a daily basis. Situations that can leave us feeling hopeless. My desire is to bring hope to a hurting world through weaving God’s truth into the lives of fictional characters whose lives mirror our own. In the novel I’m currently working on, the main character is a prisoner to her past. A series of events in her life have her bound in chains of guilt, shame and fear. She must learn to find hope in Christ, just as we do.
No matter where you find yourself today, Jesus is your Hope. As long as you have breath in your body, there’s hope. Embrace the love of God and cling to hope in Him when the waves push you down and you feel yourself drowning in despair. Let the truth in this song breathe new life into your soul and begin the journey to a hope that heals.
Join the conversation. Can you share about a time in your life when you were hopeless, but God rescued you? Encourage others through your story.