Abuse/Neglect,  Anxiety,  Depression,  Faith,  Family,  Grief and Loss,  Tragedy

Comfort Food

No Bake Cookies

The recipe for No Bake Cookies popped up on my Facebook memories today. Every time I see these cookies, I’m ushered back to my childhood. My brother, who is a year and a half my senior, used to make these regularly. Granted, even though the cookies are made with oatmeal, they don’t land in the “health food” category, but they are healthy for me emotionally.

These cookies take my mind back to simpler times. Days of carefree living that consisted of making mud pies with a neighbor friend, running through the sprinkler and drinking from the hose, riding my bike for hours without fear of abduction, and an entire litany of activities that many today would deem unsafe or mundane.

Maybe you didn’t have a great childhood and memories are something you tend to avoid at all costs. If so, I’m so sorry for your pain. I would never think of trivializing any trauma you may have experienced. What I do know is, no matter what you’ve gone through in your life, there are certain things that bring you comfort. Did something just pop into your mind?

Several of my grandchildren have certain stuffed animals and blankets that must come to my house with them each time they spend the night. If the treasures are left behind, there’s a special trip made to retrieve them. Those items bring them comfort when the lights go out and their fears are magnified.

Maybe your comfort doesn’t come from a specific item you wrap your arms around. It could be a certain person you cling to for comfort. Possibly a substance you run to, such as alcohol or drugs. Becoming a workaholic, working out excessively, or obsessive behaviors can come into play here as well. Or, it could be the title of this post…food.

No matter what shape your “Comfort Food” takes, the fact is, we all run to something, or someone, when we need to be comforted. What if we all ran to Jesus instead? How much different could our lives be if we turned to the only One who could truly bring us meaningful comfort?

I pray regularly that my grandchildren will know that Jesus is with them and that they’ll turn to Him when they’re afraid, rather than any other substitute. I pray that for you as well. Next time you’re afraid, or you’re looking for escape and comfort through a difficult situation, try turning to Him instead of your go-to. Open His word. Open your mouth in prayer. And open your heart to receive His comfort. I believe it will make a difference.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Join the conversation. Aside from going to the Lord when I’m upset, I tend to clean like a maniac. Maybe because it’s something I can control when other aspects of life seem out of control. Who or what is your go-to for comfort?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below. As always, please share this post on social media to encourage others along their journey.

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

One Comment

  • Lynn Moore

    “Jesus” is usually my first source to grab hold of…….but I can also look to food and/or shopping for comfort. Thankfully over the years….those episodes and the inclination have decreased immensely……thanks to Who? Why ….. Jesus…..He’s the only way! 💗