Faith,  Heart,  Soul

Navajo Ministries

Four Corners Home for Children Video
Farmington, NM

My husband and I spent the past week with our good friends, Roger and Carol Kittle, who have served as missionaries in Farmington, NM the past four years.

We’ve learned about Navajo Ministries and Four Corners Home for Children and the amazing work they do to serve the Navajo people in the area. Navajo Ministries is an interdenominational ministry with around 30 staff members who are involved in about a dozen different churches. The children’s home is currently caring for five teens, and the staff is praying for more house parents so they can open the doors to more children who need to experience God’s love and care.

Check out the pictures below, visit their website, and consider supporting this ministry.

We had the privilege of meeting Jim Baker, who served as president of Navajo Ministries for many years, and his wife, Kay, who now serve as Co-Directors of the Partnership Ministry at Navajo Ministries. The couple has served the Lord through this ministry for forty-five years. Jim provided a wonderful tour of the facilities and explained the amazing murals in the building’s lobby, as well as the prayer rooms. Jim also started the first Christian radio station in Farmington, KNMI Vertical Radio. This station is an outreach of Navajo Ministries and first broadcasted on March 6, 1980.

Along with supporting Navajo Ministries and the children’s home, Roger and Carol serve at Fruitland Baptist Church where Roger is the pastor. They’ve connected with a number of people in the area and in addition to Sunday morning services, they open their home weekly for Bible study and dinner each Wednesday evening. They’ve also set up several washers and dryers in a building on the church property and plan to provide a free laundromat in the near future to those in need.

Weekly, Roger visits and leads Bible Study with men at “The Path,” Byron’s House of Hope halfway house ministry in Farmington. Some of these men gather at Fruitland Baptist on Saturday evenings through a program called, “Overcomer,” run by Broken Walls Fellowship. This group has planted a garden on the church property which grows corn, okra, squash, and beets to bless those in the Overcomer program.

The Garden area at Fruitland Baptist Church

Alcoholism is a major problem in the Navajo region, and Roger and Carol have had many opportunities to minister to hurting people and share the love and grace of Christ. They’ve been able to connect with many in the community who are in need, and Carol has taught sewing, jewelry making, rock painting, and quilting classes to the local people. They add scripture and words of encouragement on many of the painted rocks and leave them around town for people to pick up, providing an email address for those who’d like to submit prayer requests.

Roger and Carol provide all the supplies needed for the classes they lead, meals served, and other outreach opportunities from their own personal funds. If you’d like to support this couple in their efforts to connect with and minister to the Navajo people, you can send a check to Roger Kittle at 2103 W. Main St., Farmington, NM 87401. Or, if you’d like a tax deduction for your gift, make your check payable to SEABC, put Navajo on the memo line, and mail to: SEABC, P.O. Box 2408, Chattanooga, TN 37409.

Their ministry theme verse is 2 Corinthians 5:13: If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. (NLT)

I hope you’ll consider how God might have you support Navajo Ministries, Four Corners Children’s Home, and/or Roger and Carol Kittle as these servants of God share the gospel with the Navajo people and spread His love.

And the surrounding area is absolutely breathtaking. Enjoy the few photos below of God’s amazing creation.

Join the conversation. Have you heard of Navajo Ministries or Four Corners Children’s Home? Did you have any idea before reading this post of the work being done for the Lord in Farmington, NM? Will you commit to pray and ask God to show you how He wants you to get involved?

Please share this post on your social media sites to spread the word about these life-changing ministries.

As a Jesus girl for more than thirty years, Deena Adams understands how important hope is to daily life, which fuels her passion to inspire others through hope-filled fiction based on true to life stories. She is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency and is a multi-award-winning writer, an active ACFW member, and ACFW Virginia president. Connect with Deena through her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


  • Sharon K Connell

    What an exciting way to spend a vacation, Deena. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I love the American Indian culture and people. Have been fascinated with it since I was a child. God bless those who devote their lives to bringing God’s promises and his Word to them.

    • Deena

      Thanks so much for your comments, Sharon. It was a wonderful week and we learned so much about the culture. Can’t wait to go back!

    • Deena Adams

      My pleasure. Thanks for reading! I hope you’ll share the post on social media to help spread the word on the ministry needs there. Blessings to you!