Jennifer Sienes: Southern Hospitality, Struggles, Hope, a Giveaway & More
I absolutely adored chatting with Jennifer Sienes about life, writing, and her latest novel, Shadow Dancing. In this interview, Jennifer gets real about some tragic events in her life and offers encouragement for how God redeems our pain. You don’t want to miss it!
Oh, and she’s offering an ebook of Shadow Dancing as a giveaway, so be sure to comment below by July 18 for chance to win!
Be sure to watch this interview with @Jennifer_Sienes and comment on it by July 18 for a chance to win her #ChristianContemporary novel, Shadow Dancing.
#amreading #giveaway
Join the conversation. What aspect of Jennifer’s interview resonated with you most? Do her books sound like stories you’d enjoy reading? What do you love about Christian Contemporary stories? Do you have any questions or comments for Jennifer?
Be sure to comment below by July 18 for a chance to win an ebook of Shadow Dancing!

Shadow Dancing by Jennifer Sienes
Click the book cover for purchase link
Wading through grief is like dancing with shadows.
Bekah Casey’s been on a tear for near a year, and the anger clings to her like cheap perfume. If only the Lord would wash it away like He did with her sins, she might could find her way out of the mire. Instead, she escapes from the one person to blame for all her ills—her husband Mitch.
Now she’s living with her mama and daddy, working two jobs, and facing a future that looks bleak as a middle-Tennessee winter. Her mama’s all the time telling her that the good Lord works in ways too confounding to comprehend, and if she’d learn to trust in Him, her life will look a might brighter. Easy for her to say.
When things go from dark to disastrous, Bekah figures she’s got two choices—sink in her sin or dig her way out.
Mitch Casey never did put a whole lot of stock in faith. Didn’t appear it helped Bekah any either since hers went sideways the minute things got hard. Still, he’s willing to take whatever abuse she throws his way if it helps her muddle through the grief. Then one poor decision, a night in jail, and a divine assignment with a local pastor puts Mitch on an unexpected path.
When you’re dancing with shadows, who gets to lead? Find out in the next book in the Bedford County series.
Jennifer Sienes holds a bachelor’s in psychology and a master’s in education but discovered life-experience is the best teacher. She loves Jesus, romance, and writing–and puts it all together in inspirational contemporary fiction. Her daughter’s TBI and brother’s suicide inspired two of her three novels. Although fiction writing is her real love, she’s had several non-fiction pieces published in anthologies–two in Chicken Soup for the Soul. She has two grown children and one very spoiled Maltese. California born and raised, she recently took a step of faith with her real-life hero and relocated to Tennessee.
Connect with Jennifer: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads / Twitter / Pinterest

Please share Jennifer’s interview on social media to help spread the word about her book!
Check out these interviews with Urcelia Teixeira, Penny Frost McGinnis, and Betty J. Slade.
Deena Adams
Congratulations Teresa, you’re the winner of Jennifer’s book! Look for an email soon.
Teresa A Moyer
Woo Hoo Thank you!
Lynn Moore
Deena…. Thanks for sharing another fabulous interview with us!
Jennifer….. You had me at the term “southern fiction!” Being raised in Virginia, I can so relate to all the charm & hospitality found all over the South. I love that you include “the hope found in Christ” in your writing. I so loved it when in your interview, you said, ” Crisis & Christ” go together. And, “It’s not a happy ending without Christ!” Such a true statement, in real life along with your fictional writings. And, then, there’s your statement on how, “God redeems everything!”
Preach it girl!
Continued blessings on your writing! 📚
Lynn Moore
Deena Adams
I’m so glad you enjoyed the interview, Lynn. Thanks for watching and commenting!
Brenda Gordon
I’m sure that I would love this book because I love dancing stories and movies.
Deena Adams
Sounds like it’s right up your ally, Brenda! Best of luck in the drawing.
Vera Day
Shadow Dancing sounds like a fabulous read. Congrats to Ms. Sienes on her latest release!
Deena Adams
Thanks for watching and commenting, Vera!
Teresa A Moyer
The interview perked my interest in the book. I too am not a fan of the Hallmark movie style romance books. I struggle reading the typical romance books because I have never lived in a life were I can even relate to love story theme. So how you described the book it will be something I will add to my TBR list.
Deena Adams
I hope you get a chance to read Jennifer’s book, Teresa, and that you’ll enjoy it. Thanks so much for watching and joining the conversation!
Jennifer Sienes
Thank you so much, Deena, for interviewing me on your podcast. It was so fun chatting with you, and I appreciate your support so very much.
Deena Adams
It was my pleasure, Jennifer. I really enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you a bit.
That cover, though! Wow.
Deena Adams
Hi, April. The cover really draws you in, doesn’t it? Thanks for stopping by!